Chapter Five

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Kana's POV: 

Warmth surrounded her from every angle. She mumbled something under her breath before snuggling down into her hard pillow. Hard pillow. Her eyes shot open and quietly kept her breathing the same. A trick she'd learned after so many decades of sneaking from males beds.

She glanced up and found herself practically spread out across Vaughan. Her cheeks flared red and she glanced around her room. His breath flitted into her hair and she sighed. "You don't need to be embarrassed."

She felt the blood rush to her face as she glanced up at him. He smiled, tired eyes blinking themselves awake, "Good morning." His morning voice was deep, and rough and seemed to hit her in all the right places.

What the fuck was she thinking.

She whispered, "I'm sorry."

Vaughan yawned and rolled his shoulders. "Don't apologize. Honestly I've never felt you sleep so peacefully.

Because he was always keeping her nightmares away. He stuck a finger under her chin and forced her to look up at him. "If we're both being honest and embarrassed," God his morning voice could become her next addiction other than coffee. "Then that's the best sleep I've had. Ever."

She smiled, "I'm happy I could repay the favor for once. You're always keeping my nightmares away."

He shrugged and sighed. "We should probably get up."

Frowning, she patted her face a few times before rolling off of him. She whispered, "Time to face the music."

"We could just turn it off."

She threw him a glare over her shoulder as she searched through her four hundred year outdated wardrobe. She found cloth pants that she could chill in with a slightly cropped black t-shirt which she actually didn't mind.

She bathed quickly, washing the day before's horrors and tears from her. She emerged with her wet and slightly glowing droopy hair. Vaughan smiled at her, "I'm happy you're feeling a bit better today."

"I suppose color changing mood hair is pretty nice." She muttered before leaving her room. Yesterday was a bad day for her. She slightly rubbed the scar on her stomach quietly deciding she'd try her best. Stay positive. Something Fen always told her helped, even if it was really hard sometimes.

Essa deserved a better sister, but most importantly she wanted to improve for herself. She was just... stuck. Stuck was a great word for how she felt, she just needed to find herself a way to improve.

Because she wanted to smile as freely as she used to. She wanted to be able to look at kids and not break down. She wanted to have kids, even if it might take her another four centuries.

She approached the stairs and grumbled. The manor was beautiful, she hated their fucking stairs. Her leg had begun to act like a toddler, whiny and crying by the time she reached the bottom of the staircase.

She peaked her head into the kitchen and used her immortal silent grace to poke Azriel on his left shoulder. Then proceed to walk around his right as he was turned around and pop up looking in the fridge before he turned back around.

Tiny things.

Fen said joking helped.

She watched Azriel jump out of the corner of her eye. "When- you know what nevermind." The shadowsinger shook his head, the corner of his lips titled up. She mumbled, "Morning."

He leaned against the counter and said, "So you're four hundred years older now."

She shrugged, and Azriel sighed. "Do you need anything?"

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