3B.01 Part 1

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Hey everyone! I am so sorry for being MIA these past couple of months. I have been so busy with work and stuff. The good-ish news is that I'm taking a leave of absence from Uni for a year and the one condition my family gave me was that I focus on something equally as productive, so I chose my writing. So hopefully, I'll be writing a lot more often. My goal is to finish this book before my leave of absence is over, so wish me luck!

I had to cut this chapter in 2 because the word count was over 4000 altogether.

It had only been a few weeks since the lunar eclipse. I still hadn't heard back from Celeste about my 'gift'. Maybe I scared her away?

Now that Jennifer was dead and Scott scared Deucalion into leaving town, we tried our best to go back to normal. Well, as normal as they could be – with vampires, werewolves and banshees.

There was one other thing that was different--

Stiles did end up taking me on that date. We spent the day on top of a cliff in Beacon Hills Preserve. Although he did look kind of like a zombie with how little sleep he'd gotten.

Stiles, Scott and Allison had been having nightmares ever since the lunar eclipse. We all came to the conclusion that it was a side effect of them 'dying'.

I was worried, and as a result, I insisted I sleep over at Stiles' house every now and then until he could overcome these nightmares.

I had slept over the previous night, but I needed to drop by my house to pick up a few things.

Isaac caught me as I was rummaging around in my room.

"Hey". At the sound of his voice, I turned around to face him. "I didn't know you slept here last night".

I shook my head. "I didn't. I just needed to collect a few things".

"How is he?"

I dropped my gaze for a moment. "He's hanging in there". I lifted my gaze back up to meet his. "How's Allison?" I was aware that they had been spending a lot of time together.


I picked up my bag and sent him a questioning look. "What's going on with you two anyways?"

His cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. "W-what are you talking about?"

I smirked. "I saw the way the two of you were practically all over each other after I 'resurrected'. And don't think I haven't noticed how much time you've been spending together". My smirk faded and I gave him a gentle look. "You fancy her, don't you?"

He shook his head. "I don't know what that means".

I rolled my eyes. "Simpleton". I put on a faux American accent and walked up to him. "You. Like. Her".

He laughed. "That was bad".

I laughed and softly pushed his shoulder. "Don't dodge the subject!" After we settled down, my gentle look returned. "How does Scott feel about your little 'crush?'"

He hesitated, as though he were thinking about what to say. "I think he took it pretty well".

I let out another laugh. "Right". I started to walk out but right before I walked through the threshold, I turned back to him. "Do you want a ride to school?"

He nodded. I waited for him to finish getting ready before we made our way to school.

As soon as we arrived at school, Isaac and I went looking for the others. Eventually, we spotted Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Allison all crowded together.

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