2.A Bad Basis For An Alliance

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The crash land field was still clouded with dust and re-entry smoke,. Albedo stormed through the grassy plains to Jump city, followed by the Tamaranean.

"You're welcome..." Blackfire sarcastically said.

"..." Albedo said nothing, ignoring her and inspecting his Ultimatrix's core.

Blackfire's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, brushing off his uninterest. "Didn't think you were from this planet at first but you're actually a human?

Albedo's brow furrowed upon hearing this. Blackfire floated over his shoulder, leaning towards his silvery hair and glancing at the device on his hand.

"But your accessory there..." The device's now flickering red glow reflected in her deep purple eyes. "Never seen anything like that on earth."

The Ultimatrix core retracted and Albedo came to a stop.

"You've never seen anything like this anywhere." He proudly corrected. "If you're looking for gratitude, look elsewhere." Albedo said without subtlety.

"Hmm? Oh you think I want a thank you?" She interrupted. As Albedo turned to her she grabbed him by the throat, lifting him with ease. 

"Hmphft" Albedo wheezed.

"...You blew me up." she snarled. 

"Remove yourself" he snapped as calmly as he could.

"If it makes you feel better" she said leaning into his ear to whisper... "Cutest dead-man I've ever met~. Good for you, I was gonna make this last"

"Lets clarify..." Albedo grunted "I am not human, nor am I dying today, and I am certainly not cute-"

More red static leaked from his Ultimatrix Hastening the malfunction! With a red flash the surrounding smoke had cleared and Albedo had reverted to a genetic 11 year old. The two blinked in equal surprise as Albedo fell to the floor, looking down at himself, brow and lower lip quivering with anger.

"Of all the undignifying-" Albedo began ranting in a higher pitch voice...

"What the f*ck, you..."

"Not one word." he muttered through gritted teeth.

"You're like... An angry little marshmallow." She said with quivering joy.

"Excuse you..?" Albedo queried, turning only his head towards her not unlike an offended owl.

Floating up to him she took hold of his face in her soft tan hand. "Who said you could be this sweet!"

Albedo didn't take kindly to this, swatting her adoration away.

The Tamaranean removed her hands; in response to his comparatively weak human swipes.

"Shit" She said, contemplating. "...I'm not for killing kids."


"Look you took all the fun out of this" she exclaimed blushing.

"Your... magnamity has been noted, Tamaranean." Albedo said sarcastically. "I'll disregard this encounter. That being said... leave. me. alone." The boy said as he pressed on towards Jump city. 

"Hmph, be like that then" Blackfire said, flicking her black bangs out of her face. "We're even now- not that I felt the need to pay you back for getting me off that ship, but now I can pay my dearest sister and her friends a visit... and before the next solar cycle completes even." she said straining to keep composure at the mention of her sister.

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