1.Prisoner 01

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In a deep sector of space, a plumber's prisoner transfer ship was tasked with delivering a single prisoner. Despite the plumber's numerical advantage their ventilated air was filled with unease.

A cadet aboard the vessel kept glancing over to the armoured holding cell door at the back of the ship.

"He can't do anything in there right? -I'm just curious!" a plumber cadet asked, trying to play off his jitters.

The pilot responded nonchalantly, having transported many of what he thought to be big names in this galaxy. "Haha relax rookie, the prisoners securely contained-Especially his arms. And if he did decide to act up..." The pilot gestured to a protected switch near the control panel.

"Well no one would have to deal with his tantrum in the vacuum. You hear that!?" the pilot called back.

"... ... ..."

There was no response from the small pitch black pod cell.

"Y- you'd eject them!?"

"You think he wouldn't do worse to us? Think again, rookie. We're talking about-"


An alarm blared in the cockpit.

"Frag it, what is that?" the pilot groaned.

"Nothing good sir. We're approaching an unexpected cosmic storm!" Another plumber reported from his station.

"Dammit all, Get to your station and brace yourself rookie!"

Strapping themselves in, the ship was swayed all over in the cosmic current, frying the navigations among other systems one by one.

"We're running on back-up power sir!"

"Shit! In the event of an emergency all auxiliary power is directed to..."

The crew glanced back towards the flickering red light in the cell door, horrified at the thought of it opening.

"Nuh-uh, no way in space hell are we getting stuck in this storm with that!" the pilot roared with a hint of fear. "Redirect power to thrusters!"

"But sir-"

The captain slammed the control panel without a second thought ejecting the cell pod out into the storm.


The pod spun out into the cosmic turmoil, hurtling through it for hours before it was hurled out on cosmic energy. Its course... The milky way galaxy. More specifically: Earth.

Before the cell reached the planet however; it collided with a large unfamiliar looking ship. Its emergency systems quickly sealed the breach before a squadron of humanoid-crab aliens in robotic armour hastily came to investigate. The ship's hall was now dim and glowed a flickering emergency red.

"*Cough* *Cough* What is it?"

"Are the prisoners secure?"

"Firearms at the ready!"

It was a prisoner ship. how apt.


The dented pod door shook from the inside.



A plume of smoke heaved from the now opened pod and a heavy metallic arm restraint was thrown out in front of the guards, grabbing their attention before darting back up to the intruder.

"... ... ..."


Startled; the guards aimed down their laser sights.

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