Chapter Sixteen

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I stare at the bane of my existence as he sits their dotingly trying to butter Ree' up, giving him a silent shake of my head. Jack may be one of my best friends, but he truly is a slippy little sucker. He thinks I don't know what he is trying to do. Even though he is my house, his whole attention is on Ree, I know he's ignoring me because he knows I want to punch him in the face because of what he nearly said in front of my boys. I mean, I'm not out of touch, eventually they will learn all about sex but for now I just wanted my children to enjoy their innocence. 

I knew Jack was trying to distract Ree, but I could see from the passive smile on her face that her thoughts were wondering. Jack was my rock during my divorce, there was something light about his friendship that made dealing with the pain a lot easier. He was the friend you turned to when you wanted a good time, he was so easygoing. 

"How are you doing babe?" Jacks asks Renee in a somber tone. I see the hitch of his shoulders, as if he almost realised that he asked her a stupid question. A question that would he would secretly regret asking knowing that he was inflicting unnecessary pain on her because he already knew the answer; that she was not okay. 

Ree' lets out a long sigh as she slumps into the back of her chair. Her shoulders are slumped in defeat. "Not great, I guess." She responds in a defeated tone. "The man that I have been with since I was a teenager is nothing but a cheat." She shrugs her shoulders. 

"Babe, I know you don't wanna hear it, but he was never good enough for you. If you didn't have the years behind you, I would have told you leave him sooner." Jack states nonchalantly. 

I can't help but give him a look of disbelief. "For fucks sake Jack, that's not exactly helpful!" I exasperate, shaking my head in dismay. 

"What? You know what I said is the truth!" He scoffs. "- And like you can talk. Your ex-wife is crazy that she makes Lewis look like a saint!" He waves his hand in the air dismissing me as he turns back to Ree'. "Babe, listen I know you don't want to hear it. But Lewis is a scoundrel, he has never been worth your tears. All those times you defended him, you looked like a rat defending trash thinking it was gold." He finishes. 

My mouth drops open, surprised at his audacity. I know Jack is trying to help but he didn't see her when she found out. It's like she is ignoring what has happened, a part of me is worried she hasn't fully processed what has happened. It's like we are all waiting for the glass to drop, but Jack is adamant at throwing it at the wall and smashing it to pieces. 

Ree' lets out a huge laugh, it's like it isn't coming from her chest but her belly. It's uncontrollable, but it isn't one of her usual laughs that is filled with a meticulous joy or happiness. There's a sharpness to it, like it's cold as ice. However, that soon dissipates as that laughter turns to gut-wrenching sobs as she starts to hang her head. 

I give Jack the coldest glare possible as I quickly make my way to the unoccupied next to Ree and pull her into my arms. I wrap my body around her, as I feel her head may way to my chest. I can't help but seethe at Jack as I rub Renee's back up and down with my heads. Offering a silent form of comfort that Jack clearly doesn't have the capacity to manage. 

"Seriously Jack, what is wrong with you?" I mutter. "How can you compare Renee to rat!?" I exclaim. 

"Oh we know she isn't a rat, that is not the point that I was trying to make." He huffs as he folds him arms across his chest. "What you should have taken from my statement, is that both of you need to stop defending trash. I mean I don't understand their game plan, do they really think you will take them back? I mean I would call them pieces of shit, but even shit can be used as fertiliser." Jack shakes his head. 

I can't help the furrow of my brow at Jack's words. What he is saying makes no sense at all? What has Lewis got to do with me, why would I take him back when he has nothing to with me, other than that he is my best friend's cheating bastard of a husband - hopefully her soon to be ex-husband. Jack is giving me a silent look as if to say that I am missing something. I can't help but pull one of my arms from Renee and pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"Jack what on earth are you talking about?" I question. 

Jack's eyes widen in surprise. His face gets red. I can see that the clogs are ticking away in his brain as he runs a hand down his face. "You don't know, do you?" He groans out. 

"Jack what the fuck are you talking about? Will you stop talking in riddles and tell us what is going on!" 

"I thought you would have least checked the news and kept up to date what was going on. I mean the whole internet is talking about it. It's spreading faster than the clap." He rambles on. 

"JACK!" I exclaim. "Please get to the point." I gesture with my hand for him to get to the point. 

"The person that Lewis was having an affair with, was none other than Liza. As in your crazy bitch of an ex-wife Liza."

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