Chapter Eleven

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I made my way into Roman's father's home. It was always such a serene place and was your typical English beach house. The decor was light and airy, with serene blues that were draped across the wall. Reclaimed wood furnishings that made up the furniture with white pieces in between. I knew that Roman's mother decorated the place as it had her signature stamp all over the place. She had excellent taste, she was a woman of elegance and finesse, however she was not the snobbery type of woman. The times that I met her were far and few but she was equally welcoming and kind. She always encouraged me to come around and spend time with her family. She always said she saw me as the daughter she never got to have. 

Roman's father didn't treat me any differently he always embraced me in a warm hug and well I fell into his arms there was this sense of familiarity that I loved. He reminded me of my grandfather, who was the only father figure that I had. Roman's father insisted on me calling him dad and that he too shared similar views with his late wife. When Roman's mother died, I spent countless hours looking after his dad because he was heartbroken, I cooked him meals, froze them and cleaned his house. During that time the family could not cope with the loss of the matriarch of the family.

I remember Lewis becoming impatient with the amount of time I spent with Roman's family, he couldn't understand the pain and loss they were going through, that the main clog in that family had disappeared. I secretly arranged for him to get extra work from a few contacts that I had developed since working with Roman so that I could at least help my friend out. His children were like my nephews, they too were broken and confused by what was going on. I spent days comforting them, trying to cheer them up, while their father and grandfather tried to gather themselves together. Both were trying to be strong for each other but failed miserably. 

Roman's father took hold of my hand and like a lost child I followed him, he took me to one of my favourite rooms in the Beach house. There were large bay windows, with a reading nook in the corner, a large glass table that had large comfortable sofas around it. However my favourite place was hidden in the corner, it was a soft sofa chair that had a small glass table next to it. I could always imagine myself sitting there and reading for hours. It was the perfect sanctuary that let in the smell of the salty sea air but was covered by thick forest trees. 

Roman's father let out a hearty chuckle. "You have a good eye little one. That spot was my wife's favourite place. She spent hours there, sipping tea and reading her latest book. When the boys and I would play games at the table she would simple sit there and observe quietly with the softest smile on her face. I would ask her why she wouldn't join us and she simply said that she couldn't see all her favourite people there." He smiled. 

I couldn't help but return a soft smile in his direction. "She sounds amazing and like she had the right idea. That place looks like heaven to me." I sighed. 

He pushed me in the direction of the table where he recalled fond memories with his family. He sat down and patted the empty seat next to me and before I knew it I was crying my little heart out. It was like everything in the last few hours had caught up to me. I was crying over the broken heart, the betrayal of my husband, the life that we should have had. No matter how much I tried to stop I couldn't hold it in. 

"There, there my sweet child." He held me tightly to his chest as he rubbed my hair gently. I couldn't help but enjoy the small comfort he was giving me. However, that comfort could not stop me, it didn't ail my pains. Hearing this amazing man talk about his wife only made me feel sad that I wouldn't have something like that. The man I thought was my rock, my saviour, was only something of make believe. He was something that didn't exist. He tore my heart and ripped it open, letting me bleed out. I could help the sniffle, I raised my hand and rubbed my nose and eyes of the tears carelessly falling from my eyes. 

"My sweet child, you don't have to speak, just let it all out. You don't deserve this pain, you are one of the most caring and kind women I have ever met. You are probably the only woman I know who rivals my wife's big heart." He said in a soothing tone. 

"I can't... can't believe... he did this to me. I thought he was the one. I feel like I have wasted so many years with him... for what? For him to cheat.. to betray me... I feel.. feel like such a fool." I said between my large whimpers as the tears cascaded down my cheeks. 

"I know, I know. You don't deserve this but sometimes things happen, things we can't control." He sighs out. "Do you remember what you said about the she-devil to my son when he finally had enough?" He queried. 

I sniffed. "I said that she did not deserve him. That it was her decision to cheat him and their family. That he would meet someone that would change his life for the better and he would fall in love again." 

"Exactly. And that my sweet girl is what will happen for you." He reassured. 

"But that was him, that wasn't me. Roman's attractive and has a huge following of woman that would fall at his feet. Me, I'm going to die a spinster. I'll be like the Bridget Jones that doesn't get the happy ending." I wailed. 

Roman's dad let out a belly laugh. I can't help but pout at him as my lower lip begins to tremble. "Oh sweet Ree, you have no idea do you?" He shook his head. 

"What do you mean?" I wiped my nose with the back of my hand. 

He places his hands on my shoulders and gives me the fatherly love of a kiss on the forehead. "You will come to know one day. You have no idea how many people love you, care you. One day, your see my words make sense." He rubs his thumb under my eyes and wipes the tears away. 

"I have tea and biscuits, there was no chocolate but I thought it was a bit early for chocolate and if the boys see you eating that they will hound me to let them do the same. They should be up soon." Roman rambles as he enters the front room. His eyes wonder between me and his father as he comes in with a tray and goods. His steps falter and he stops in place. 

"Ree, you are such an ugly cryer. Your like the exact replica of Kim Kardashian crying?" He laughs. 

My tears immediately stop and I glare at him. If he wasn't holding the tea or the biscuits I would throw this extremely beautiful silk pillow at him. I feel my face getting redder by the second, but I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Roman's dad starts laughing and coughing into his hand. I gasp that he would find my misery amusing. 

"Hey, I may be old but my grandkids keep me up to date so I know who Kim Kardashian is." He gives me the most innocent look ever. "But my son's right, you are an ugly crier and I would much prefer my daughter to be smiling or glaring at my buffoon of a son. 

"Hey!" Roman interjects. 

I may have lost my husband, but this family was able to repair a small piece of my heart. With that I let out a sad smile at an attempt of showing them that I would be okay. But before they could react and Roman could give me my tea. The padded and heavy steps of two boys come running in my direction. 

"AUNTY REE!!!" They squeal. 

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