Track 22: Wicked Games

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On Labor Day, Jake and I headed to the lake on Saturday. The plan was to meet up with Jake's mom, step-dad, and family. His dad would be joining us there later in his boat. We were going to spend Saturday night at a hotel so Jake could go fishing with his dad in the morning. Jake and I would join his dad's side of the family at his Aunt's house for dinner before going home. Monday, we had the game night with our friends.

The first outfit Jake chose for me was a multicolored crochet dress. It showed a little bit more leg and cleavage than I would have chosen to meet his family, but it was cute and I felt great in it. I wore it over the nude cut-out monokini he bought for me but I had no intentions of swimming in it. The swimsuit had a plunging v-neck, cut-out sides, and showed entirely too much skin. I wore it to keep my part of our deal, but it was staying under the dress the whole day. On the drive over, he reassured me that meeting his sisters was the hardest part- Everyone else would be laid back.

"I'm not even worried." I said truthfully. "I mean, compared to the other girls you dated, I'm sure the bar can't be that high."

Jake frowned at me. "I know how you are at family get togethers. Just know, if you curse anyone out, you will get cursed back or worse."

I laughed, glad I could genuinely joke about my massive flip out at Ethan's family's 4th of July barbeque. "Shut up. As long as you didn't invite your ex-skanks, we're good."

When we got out of his Escalade, I did get a little nervous, but Jake grabbed my hand and I took a deep breath. We walked hand and hand to the area his family was meeting underneath a pavilion. When we arrived, it was already busy with people, eating, drinking, and talking animatedly. The smell of grilled meat and onions filled the air.

Jake was greeted with cheers of "Galaviz!" and "Mijo". More than a couple people eyed me with interest, but Jake just waved at everyone and asked where his mom was. We were pointed in the direction of the huge grill.

A petite brunette woman was watching a man flipping food on the grill. Her back was to us. Jake let go of my hand to scoop her up in a hug. She shrieked and swatted his arm.

"¡Suélteme! Ahora gordo! {Let me go! Now}" She commanded.

Jake just laughed, setting her down. "Make me." He challenged her, but he let her go. She turned around and gave him a hug. I smiled watching them.

"Mom, I want you to meet my girlfriend Lily Harris. Lily, this is my mom Dolores Trevino." Jake introduced us.

"It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Trevino." I said, reaching out my hand to shake hers.

"Please, call me Lola. It's a pleasure to meet you." Lola shook my hand as she looked me over.

"Lily, this is Julissa's husband Victor." Jake said.

I waved. "Nice to meet you too."

He nodded at me before returning to the meat.

"Where are the girls and Eric?" Jake asked his mom.

"Julissa and the kids are at the playground, Jocelyn hasn't shown up yet and Jasmine is around here somewhere with Reggie. You know Eric, he is probably networking as we speak. Can you believe he wanted the nursery open on Labor day? Who's buying plants today?" Lola asked.

"I believe it. He broke child labor laws with me. Doesn't shock me he wouldn't want to celebrate Labor Day." Jake said.

Victor and I laughed.

"We coulda hired workers for half of what he paid you." Lola countered.

"Sure, illegally. Y'all just chose which law to break." Jake finished.

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