Track 4: Why Can't We Be Friends

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Why Can't We Be Friends by War

"So how did it go seeing Megan?" Rocky asked me as we got ready to go out and meet up with some friends Friday night.

"It was interesting..." I shrugged.

"What did that crazy bitch do now?" Sammy exclaimed. She was already dressed in a red mini dress, full make-up and her hair bone straight. She was putting curls in my hair while I finished my make-up.

I shook my head recalling my earlier interaction with Megan. She actually came to pick EJ up from Rocky's house while I babysat him. We were playing Minion Rush on my phone when she arrived. She came early so I didn't have EJ ready to go. She gathered his things, complaining about traffic. I studied her for a moment as she rushed around, wondering what attracted Ethan to her. She looked completely the same. She was still wearing her hair long and auburn, her slim figure displayed in black slacks and a low cut blouse. The only thing that changed was her demeanor.

Before her cheating was discovered she had an air of superiority and arrogance. After that, she avoided me at all cost. Now, she just seemed eager to get out of my presence. Rocky told me a month after I left, Megan asked Brandon if something happened between Ethan and me. Brandon told her to ask Ethan, but I have no idea if she actually did. I don't know if she was uncomfortable around me because she knew, or because she didn't know.

"Hmm." Rocky said, when I finished explaining her behavior.

"What?" I asked, looking over at her. She was wearing a beige cut out dress with a navy blazer. It enhanced the red tone in her brown skin. Her hair was pulled up in a bun and she finished her look with gold hoops and nude heels.

"That doesn't sound unreasonable. If it was me, I would stay out of it." Rocky commented.

"Oh, this is just the calm before the storm of Lily and Ethan getting back together." Sammy declared, finishing up my hair. It was in waves falling past my shoulders. I was wearing a white, sheer, 3/4 sleeve blouse and dark floral shorts that Sammy helped me pick out.

"I'm just saying, they've both moved on. They both dated. Their focus should be co-parenting." Rocky rolled her eyes at Sammy.

"I hope so, for E.J's sake." I said, sincerely, before grabbing my bag. Rocky looked me over critically.

"What?" I asked, checking my make-up. I had on mascara, eye liner, gold shimmer on my lids, and pink gloss. It looked simple, but pretty.

"Nothing. You look hot girl."

I blushed and grinned, latching on to her and Sammy. "We look hot!" I corrected her, as we headed out.

We headed to a lounge in downtown Dallas, one of the many restaurants/bars in the area. This one was a favorite of Rocky's. This one boasted a minimal Caribbean theme menu and reggae music before 10pm and a dj after 11pm. And signature cocktails all evening long. We got there at 9pm, right when it was transitioning so we could secure a table, food and drinks before the partying started.

When we arrived, Rocky led us to the line at the host stand. Amber; who used to work at Dave and Buster's with me, Peyton and Jackie; who are good friends of Rocky, were already there. I scanned the room. The DJ was setting up, but the room was still dim. I smiled as my search stopped at the bar. Even with the low lighting, his tall and lean frame is like home to me. I can spot him anywhere. I broke away from the line and headed to the bar. I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug. He turned around, surprise in his bright blue eyes, but after a second, he was hugging me back.

"Hey Lilypad. Geez, you look good!" he grinned down at me.

"T-Rev!" I smiled back. "What happened to your hair man?" I said while rubbing his buzz cut. I knew Trevor cut his blonde, shaggy mop of curls; I just didn't realize how grown and sexy he looks now.

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