Part 21: MÍA

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Mía by Bad Bunny and Drake

"So is Corey still willing to go on a blind date?" I asked Jordan as we ate lunch together. We both had salads from Starbucks.

Jordan shook her head. "What's going on between you and Jake?"

"Nothing! We're great. I meant for my roommate Sammy." I replied.

I knew it was a stretch, but Sammy needed to meet a nice normal guy and if he was like Jordan described, he might be perfect for her to dive back into the dating pool. And I meant dating, not hooking up with scumbags. Jake included, but he's my scumbag now.

"He's not going to let me set him up again. It went so well with you."

"We don't have to set them up. They could just meet while we're out together. Soon-ish." I explained.

Jordan smiled. "Ok. We can do that. Let me see when he is available."

After work, I went home to an empty apartment and started to cook dinner. I was boiling water to make fried rice and checking my Facebook. I thumbed through all my friends posting pictures of their kids going back to school. Megan tagged Ethan in a picture of EJ standing outside his classroom in his school uniform. He was wearing a bored expression on his face. I smiled and texted Ethan.

Me- EJ looked thrilled to be back at school on Megan's Facebook picture.

Ethan- Give me 30 minutes. I'll post a better one.

True to his word, as I fried some eggs to add to the rice, Ethan posted more pictures. He tagged me in the caption.

Better? @Lily. Btw, he was upset he missed the splash park. We need to get all the kids together again.

I scrolled through the pictures. EJ's pictures were much better at home. He was grinning and making silly faces throughout the course of him getting ready for school. He also posted pictures of our day at the splash park and McDonald's. There was an adorable picture of Krista, April, and Robbie sitting underneath the plastic blue wave. It was too cute!

I commented on the picture.

Me- Awww, much better. Three-day weekend coming up with Labor day. Let's make it happen!

I finished cooking and put my phone away. I was eating when Sammy came home. She was loaded down with shopping bags.

"Ooo retail therapy?" I said, grinning at her.

She smiled. "More like I got my first check from Honey B's."

"Even better. We should go out and celebrate soon." I said, thinking of Corey.

"Umm, it would have to be Thursday. I have gigs every day this weekend."

"Really?" I said surprised.

"Really! I told you I just needed a few events. They love me. I'll make my rent money through tips alone!" Sammy predicted.

Afterward, she modeled all her clothes and shoes. I wanted to point out she had her rent money in her purchases, but I bit my tongue. Everyone grieved differently. Besides, operation nice guy was about to be in full effect.

"So, remember that guy Jordan was trying to set me up with?" I asked when she put her clothes away and sat down to eat with me. When she nodded, I continued. "I think you should talk to him."

Sammy cocked an eyebrow at me. "Don't you think we've shared enough guys?"

I laughed. "Corey and I didn't even meet in person. Even if we did, you have my blessing."

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