When I was back home, I was exhausted. So I made myself a smoothie that I had been wanting to try out. It was just basic berries. And I quite liked it. I was trying to eat things now. I knew what I was doing wasn’t healthy. I had had ice cream only for four straight days. Last night, I ate some birthday cake at the party. Let me rephrase that, Tory stuffed my face with it. I ended up eating it once I had tasted it. So now, I was going to taste everything. I had even ordered sushi again for dinner. I took my smoothie, put on some music, and started reading my sole sense of entertainment.

3rd August 2017

Ronan and I, we got pretty close actually. He came over to my house some nights after I brought him home. I opened my window to see him standing in my garden.

“What?” I asked.

“Do you want to go see the stars with me?” He gave me his charming smile. I nodded and down we went to the beach. And then it slowly became a routine. He would come at night and we would lay down on the beach and just stare at the stars. Sometimes we would see a shooting star, and we would wish for things. But tonight he said something very profound. 

“Do you think the stars are dead?” He mumbled. I looked over at him. 

“I don’t know.” 

“I read somewhere that what we saw, the bright light in the sky was where the stars used to be. The real stars had moved on and it was their light traveling towards us.” 

“Really?” I didn’t know that at all and when he talked like big brains, I was always quite impressed.

“And it got me thinking, ” he paused and looked at me. “What if what gave us comfort all along was just a mirage?” He had never looked more beautiful. 

“So what? At least it gave us comfort,” I shrugged. His body shook as he laughed.

“Do you know why I like you?” He spoke.

“You like me?” I exclaimed. 

“Shut up.” He pushed me away.

“Alright. Why do you like me?” I smiled sweetly at him. He side-eyed me and ran a hand through his hair which was getting longer. It was past his lips now.

“Even if I start the most depressing topic in the world, you will still find something in it and make it a little less depressing and a little more acceptable.” 

“Well, that’s my talent. I am too young to be depressed and so are you. Look at yourself, you don’t even celebrate your birthdays anymore.” Yes, dearest diary. It was his birthday today. 3rd of August. And he didn’t want to celebrate it. 

“Why are you so keen about celebrating it?” He threw his hands up.

“Why are you so keen about not celebrating it?” I retorted. 

“Because it is a hassle.” 

“God, you are a hassle.” We both bickered about something that I can not remember. But it was fun. I made him a sand cake and he laughed at its droopiness. I threw sand on his face and then ran away because he was coming after me with sand too. After I begged for mercy, he and I sat around the sand cake and celebrated his birthday. 

I sang him a long happy birthday and he cringed the entire time. 

“It is a good thing you took up dancing instead of signing.” He laughed as I gaped.

“It is not like you can sing either, Mr. I am Ed Sheeran. ” 

“I am thinking of taking lessons,” He said.

See The Stars [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora