You're A Bully To Me~

454 16 10

8k //cw forced starvation, guilt tripping, rape, rigged ga, accidental self-harm, blackmail, panic attacks, self-doubt, fainting, abuse, abuser hongjoong


"Tell me what the fuck I'm looking at."

Seonghwa's hand began to shake, his eyes frantically scanning the paper with hopes it could be anything other than what he knows it will be.

"I-I-I-I" is all he stutters before he gulps, his heart rate increasing as panic sets into his mind.

"You what? What the fuck do you have to say for yourself?"

"It's not what it looks like. It wasn't—I never—It" his throat closes up again, words slipping from his mind."

Hongjoong glares harder, "It what? You what? I'm not fucking around Seonghwa! Criminal charges, and you never told any of us? Did you think we'd never find out, that the public would never find out?"

All he does is shake his head, tears welling up in his eyes.

"God Seonghwa! If you don't fucking say something I'm going out there to tell everyone exactly what's on this paper!"

"No! No! Fuck please don't tell them Hongjoong I'll explain everything to you just please don't tell them!" Seonghwa pleads.

"Well, I'm fucking waiting" Hongjoong demands angrily, giving him no time to recover.

Seonghwa hiccups, trying to bottle up his tears again.

"I just- I lived in a red-light district because it was the only thing I could afford when I moved here and I worked nightshifts so I kept being picked up for prostitution charges but they weren't true so they all got dropped and the alcohol wasn't mine it was somebody else's and that's why it got dropped!" he rushes out, regurgitating the same lies he's told for years.

Hongjoong continues to glare, flipping the page. "You had a drug overdose and a suicide attempt, two months in a shrink! You don't just hide shit like that!"

"A gang assaulted me in an alleyway and I was already depressed and I tried to kill myself! What the fuck about the psych report doesn't make sense to you? What did you want me to do? Go around announcing to everyone that I was suicidal and went to a mental hospital five years ago? Like it's one of my fucking personality traits, 'I like Block B and I overdosed on ibuprofen?'" Seonghwa cries, panic and desperation turning into sarcasm.

Hongjoong bends over, gripping Seonghwa's face between his thumb and pointer finger. Seonghwa's eyes go wide.

"Don't you even fucking think of talking to me like that. I will not hesitate to walk out to the others and expose this bullshit to every one of our friends."

"No Joong—"

"Shut up. I am not fucking done. Even if the company knows about...your criminal experiences, you wanna know who doesn't?"

"The public," Hongjoong said it with so much mirth, a sinister smirk that almost made him supervillain-like.

Seonghwa's body went rigid, eyes wide with pure horror and panic.

"Hongjoong you can't, my career I-" he cuts himself this time, trembling slightly.

Hongjoong takes his hands off Seonghwa's face, sitting up and getting off the bed.

"That's right. You'll be kicked out, and then blacklisted. So you'll be listening to me now. I suggest you do whatever I ask of you, and don't think about testing me unless you want the others to find out about your past."

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