Chapter 3

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"Did anybody else find a strange book in a chest?" Preston asked as we made our way to the cobblestone room. "Wait, you found one of those things too?" Jerome gasped. "We did, too. It's like somebody planned this. But that's just me." Vikk added. (Much length, very long)
The cobblestone room was only lit by a few redstone torches. It was very dim, but unlike the castle, It wasn't damp. It had no door, just an empty two block space. "Vikk, what did you mean by 'It's like somebody planned this'?" I asked. "Well, Rob, this is just very... odd. We all found the books, right?" It was true. We did all find the books. "But we need more evidence before we can say that." He nodded.
"Oh, yeah, I found iron armor in mine. We may need it." Mitch said, before handing out five pairs of armor, keeping one for himself. "The night's coming, I think we are going to need more than armor." I told him. "I swear there were iron swords in that chest, too." Jerome said. "I don't have them." Mitch frowned. "Maybe we'll just have to last without it, boys." Lachlan said, before turning to watch the sun set over the ice-spiked, snow-covered plain. "Someone should take first watch." Lachlan added, turning around after a few seconds.

"I volenteer as tribute!" Mitch exclaimed, raising his hand before Jerome could. "Okay...That's my line!" Jerome pouted. Mitch ruffled his hair the best he could, because Jerome's hat made it difficult. "Okay lovebirds," Preston laughed. "Hey!" Jerome objected. I chuckled. "Mitch, I think you should take your watch now. It really is dark now." Preston continued. "Sure. If I die..." Mitch started playfully. "DON'T DIE." Jerome said. "I won't!" He laughed, walking to the entrance of the cobblestone room. I started walking away out of curiosity.
The room was not huge; but it was big. I was just looking for a comfortable spot to nap! I made my way along the wall, the same sight everytime. Mossy cobblestone, redstone torch every seven blocks, and sometimes a corner. I was thinking about curling under a redstone torch that was tucked away into a corner. A bed would be better, I thought, sitting down in my corner. But then I saw it. Lying on the ground was a book. It was shining, as though it was enchanted. "Guys... come look at this. All these books are scaring me, man."

Jerome was still over by Mitch, watching him. Preston was talking with Lachlan, and Vikk had fallen asleep. Only Jerome heard. "What, scared of a little knowledge, Rob?" Jerome asked as he kind of speed-walked over (either that, or he just walks fast). "No," I started to object, but realized it was pointless. Jerome had opened the book. "I can't read, I'm colorblind!" He exclaimed. "No, I'm kidding." He said before I could react.

"So I see you have made it through my first challenge. I predicted you would come in here sooner or later, trying to get out of the cold before night. Have you gotten my books? Maybe later you will regonize what they mean. Don't worry, I'm on your side! I just need to defeat a brother of mine. That castle you were in? Castle of Notch." Jerome stopped reading to make a remark. "But that castle is only a myth!" He cleared his throat, then continued reading. "I will give you these books throughout your journey. You will be faced with challenges to prove a hypothesis of mine. I wish you the best of luck on your adventure, and try no to die. Signed, Notch."He finished. "Well I guess that makes sense as to what's going on..." Jerome trailed off. "I think we should tell everyone else. It would be the most logical thing to do." I said. I shifted my weight, I was getting kind of uncomfortable in the position I was in, then looked to the others. "I don't think we should wake them, they look so peaceful." Vikk and Lachlan were laying close together, Vikk's arm around Lachlan. Preston was sleeping close by. "And I don't think we should distract Mitch. There might be a zombie or something while we're talking." I finished. Jerome nodded. "I don't want my biggums getting hurt..." I don't think he realized he said that aloud.


Morning came eventually, I hardly got any sleep, though. I remember waking up, and someone telling me it was time for my shift as watch. I streched and staggered as I stood up. I instantly regonized Jerome, who offered to go before me. "You will take the last shift," was all he told me before he got down on the grassy floor and fell asleep. I was just surprised none of us had seen anything yet. It's weird, normally it's impossible to go one night without running into mobs unless you are in the City, where it's all lit. I made my way slowly to the door, still waking up. When I got there, I could see the moon was about to set. 'Well, it's just an hour, what could go wrong?' I wondered. I just stared. There were no mobs anywhere near here. But there was a whole bunch of mobs far away, and they seemed to be trapped by some sort of barrier. It had a red glow that was hard to see, but it was something. I watched for a few minutes before looking around for anything suspicious. Nothing else was acting wierd, and I was starting to get worried. Until I saw the red glow start to fade in the distance, and the hundreds mobs started heading in our direction. Instantly I moved away from my post as guard and tried to wake the others. I started with Vikk and Lachlan, they were closest. I shook them, but only Vikk woke up. He saw me first, then realized he was still hugging Lachlan. "Oh, uh." He blushed, then stood up. "Come on, Lachlan, get up." I kicked him lightly. Vikk must have heard the urgency in my voice, because he went to wake up Preston. Lachlan opened his eyes and asked "What?". "We're under attack!" He immediately stood up. "What's attacking?" He asked. "A fleet of mobs!" I guess Mitch was woken by the whole commotion, because the next thing I knew, he was right next to me. "Okay boys, time to wake Jerome. Try not to lose an eye." He said. I could only guess Jerome was hard to get up, because he could sleep through all our noise. "Jerome!" Mitch yelled, shaking him violently. "JEROME!" I heard a growl and turned around, Lachlan was having a tussle with a zombie, his iron sword out of reach. I instantly unseathed mine, and stabbed the zombie's head. It crippled to the floor, dissapearing in a white puff, leaving a few bloodstains on the grass. "Thanks." He panted. But more mobs streamed in though, and not just zombies, but other mobs, like creepers, endermen, skeletons, silverfish, and the occasional blaze. "Oh Notch." Someone said beside me, but I couldn't quite make out who it was. I held my sword in a defensive block, backing up against Preston. "I got your back." I told him. "Thanks." He grunted through clenched teeth, bringing down his sword on a zombie. I was surprised at how easily it was for me to use the sword. I've never had to before, because I'm from the City. I struck a near by creeper, and it crippled to the floor, like the zombie. I stabbed a skeleton drawing it's bow back, and it directed it's focus from Vikk to me. I swung at it again, and it died. It left it's bow and quiver on the floor, and I couldn't just leave it there. When I picked it up, the bow glowed a deep blue, but I was soon distracted by a sharp pain in my arm, where an armed zombie had just left a scratch with his sword. I loaded my bow, pulled back the string, aimed, and suddenly, I heard multiple clicks. When I let go of the arrow, instead of one arrow, five or six arrows came out, each one of them hitting and killing nearby mobs. That skeleton must of had on sick enchantment on that bow.

I was loading my bow again,but then, the mobs just dissapeared in to thin air. Just like that. The fight hadn't lasted long, but it was still pretty intense. And then I saw it. Lying on the floor, knocked out, bleeding on his arm, was no other than Mitch.

A/N Cliffhanger! Uh-oh! Well, I'm going to be traveling tomorrow, so maybe I'll update. I can't make any promises, though.

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