"Thank y-" She gets cut off by the teacher, "May I have your attention class? Thank you, we will not be doing much today but I will introduce myself, I am Miss Grande I will be looking forward to being your teacher this year the rules are simple," She stops to take a breath and then she continues saying the rules but I wasn't listening I was spaced out once she said Miss not Mrs.

I looked at her mouth moving but heard no words coming out I was too distracted by her features noticing her eyes spark and her skin glowing, her lashes, her mouth oh fuck her mouth shit.

I shift in my seat, "Y/n, Do you understand what I am saying?" she asks directly towards me and I groan quietly as people's eyes are on me, "Yes ma'am" I answered politely.

She looked away and walked back to her desk, she sits down and is reading some papers I'm not sure what they are though.

"Yo" Billie says lowly to me, "hm?" I hum, "why is that?" She points to my pants and I shift again rolling my eyes, "I don't know" I lie, I know exactly why.

She continues to use her phone.

I go to my phone and notice 16 missed calls from my mom all in these last 7 minutes what the fuck happened?

I get up quickly and quietly walking up to the teachers desk.

"May I help you?" She looks up at me asking, "uhh s-so you see I have sixteen missed calls from m-my mother and I-I don't know what happened so I was wondering if I can call her back right t-there in the hall, may I?" She smiles nodding "of course" I walk out and noticed I stuttered multiple times like the dumbass I am.

I walked out keeping my foot in-between where the door closes for it doesn't close and lock me out.

I called my mom back and she answered on the first ring, "y/n you are at school correct?" She asked, "yeah why?" I ask her, "no reason baby have a good first day love you bye" she said, "oh okay bye love you too" She hung up and I walked back into the class.

"Thanks" I told Miss grande and she nodded "no problem" I walk back to my seat, "you like her" Billie said making my cheeks heat up as heads turn looking towards me, "I do not!!" I said defensively.

"You do, don't deny it" She said fighting back and I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"I don't" I muttered lowly and went on my phone.

"You do!!" She said loudly causing the teacher to look up, "okay I don't know what is happening here but inside voices please" the students nod and I stay on my phone calmly.

"Y/n do you think you could help me with the printing?" Miss grande asked me and I got up slipping my phone in my pocket.

"Of course" I repeated her words from earlier, I see a light tint of red on her cheeks but I assume it's nothing.

She says to turn on the printer and I do as told, she clicks a couple of things on her computer, "thank you" She says and I nod respectfully, "okay so who taught you to be so polite?" She says letting out a soft laugh making my heart flutter, it is beautiful.

"My mom mostly" I answer and when she turns away I look at both her hands seeing no rings whatsoever.

Papers come out of the printer and when they're fully printed and out I grab them securely passing them to her, my hand touching hers lightly and I see that spark in her eyes again I look away reminding myself she is a teacher.

I walk back to my seat and Billie gives me that look.

"You like her" She says again making me get up, "I don't Billie stop" I say to her sternly and with slight attitude.

"Y/n calm down" I hear the teacher's voice making me calm down, "okay" I say sitting down squeezing billies thigh, "say it again I dare you" She let's out a soft moan which was unexpected making me take my hand off, I hear her laugh "I wanted to see how you would react dude I don't even like men" She reminds me and I sigh knowing she is right.

People keep staring at me, the period goes by slow and I end up putting my head down going to sleep.

I wake up only 15 minutes later to Billie touching my shoulder "ugh what?" I ask her getting up, "Miss grande is calling you" She says trying to hide her smile but she ends up smiling anyways.

"Sorry what happened?" I ask Miss grande and she purses her lips together "essay" she says.

I groan it's only the first day.

She has me crazy fuck.

The bell soon rings and we go to our 3rd period (A/n: it's odd day but she has Ariana for odd day 1st and 7th period and then again on even day for 4th and 8th, Ariana teaches English for first then p.e for 7th, for 4th period it is music and 8th is art)

"Y/n!" She calls out to me when I am about to walk out, "yeah?" I ask her, "here you left this on my desk" She passes me my car keys.

How did those get there? "thank you" I say to her and walk away.

I see my ex and as always she stops me, "heyyy" She drags out hugging me and I wrap my arms around her hugging back, "why so sad?" She pouts.

(A/n: his ex is Megan Fox she is 16 in this book)

I smile, I know she wants me back maybe for the right reasons maybe not but maybe I could use her to get over miss grande.

I know it is wrong but I feel it will be worth it.

If me and my teacher ever get into something and we get caught I could never forgive myself, it would be too risky.

"I'm not sad I have just had something on my mind" I said smirking leaning against the wall as she leans against me holding onto my shirt looking up at me.

Her eyes flicker to my lips then back at my eyes, I pull her into a kiss and feel a spark I never thought I would feel again.

I have always loved her, she is still my friend too.

"I love you" she says, and I say "I love you too" I say pecking her lips, "will you be my girlfriend again?" I ask her and she nods.

Everyone sees us "wooooo!!! the hottest couple is back" my homie Justin says and I laugh.

Megan giggles and kisses me again, I see Miss grande from the corner of my eye and feel guilt fill me even though I haven't done shit.

A/n: I hope this was a good first chapter, love you bubs, bye.

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