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Once upon a time, centuries ago, before phones and technology and any everyday thing you can think of. There lived two boys...

Me and Francis...... I was born in the year thirteen twenty-eight, and he was born thirteen twenty-five and are now seven hundred years and counting. How did this happen? Well, it's a funny story.

It is necessary to know what happened before to understand why things are happening right now in the year twenty-twenty-two.

On days I didn't have chores to do, my older brothers urged me to make friends with the neighbor's boy. If you asked me, he seemed a bit girlish, and I never hesitated to pick on him because of it. Of course, that didn't stop him from doing the same with me, either.

Today was one of those days that I didn't have anything to do. There was a place deep in the woods where we would meet, and there we would fight each other sometimes or decide to leave each alone for the day. Francis would always go to the same place when he was free too.

We usually stayed out late, and our siblings never thought anything of it. It was a ten-minute walk from my place, and I immediately began to mess with Francis as soon as I got there.

"Hey, Francis! Are you done cross-dressing a girl?" I asked, laughing. He looked at me, and his eyes were angry. "I'm not sure. Have you released those caterpillars you hold hostage on your face?" He spat. I glared at him and walked toward him. He was sitting on the ground, tying some sticks together, when I snatched him by his collar. "No need to get so physical with a girl," he smirked at me.

My face grew hot, and I released his collar. I took a breath out and sat beside him. "What are you doing?" I asked calmly. "Just making a trap," he explained. "For what?" I asked, interested.

"A rabbit, I want it as a pet," he laughed.
"Your sister will cook it," I laughed.
"I'll hide it!" He tried to explain. I knew for sure his sister would cook it. And invite my brothers to eat it. By the way, they all helped each other; we didn't belong to a village and were one of those outliers.

"Do you need help then?" I asked. He looked at me with a lifted brow and snickered. "You would just scare it off," he said, rolling his eyes. I glared at him and pushed him away from me. "Shut up. I would be able to do it!" I yelled.

"Hmmm, you are right... maybe..."
"Really?!!!! So I can help?"
"Only because they would probably think you were one of them too!!" He laughed at me. Francis began to pull my hair, and I did the same to him. "You are so ugly!! You will never find a wife!!"
"You are so ugly!!! That... when people see you, they go!!! "Wow! This guy is ugly!!!"

"Yeah? Maybe for a girl!!!"

He pushed me to the ground, climbed on top of me, and began shoving dirt in my mouth. It was nasty, but I got him back by throwing some dirt in his face.

We both stopped for a second to catch our breath and glared at each other. "Fine!!! I'll let you help!!" He said, defeated. We both sat down again and began to build the trap.

Once that was done, Francis showed me how to set it up and explained how we had to wait now.


We waited a long time, but nothing came, and I was super sad about it. "Don't worry, we can try again tomorrow; we have to go now because it is getting late," he said, pointing to the sky. I nodded, and we both began to climb down from the tree we were hiding in.

The sun began to set fast for some reason, and Francis noticed too. "I'll just leave the trap here; let's walk back together," he explained. I began to laugh at him, and he looked at me, confused. "Awww, are you scared? Do you want me to hold your hand too?" I began to laugh. We started walking beside each other, and he glared at me. "No, I knew how scared you get, so I was protecting you," he explained.

I don't get scared!!!!

As we continued to walk, something felt weird. The way we usually come from didn't look the same. "We came the right way, right? It seems different... even our markings aren't here," I said, confused. He looked around and felt confused too.

"This is weird..... I'm sure this is the way through"
"You got us lost!!!!???"
"What?!!! we walked this way together! How could I get us lost if I wasn't giving directions!!"
"Because you are an idiot and must have."

He looked at me, annoyed, and we suddenly heard laughing. It scared us so much that we began to hold each other. "Francis, what's that?" I asked, scared. "A witch, maybe?"

"Don't say that!!! They aren't real! Just rumors!!!" I said, terrified. My legs began to shake, and I stood close to Francis. "My sister was telling me that they are," he said, and it was starting to freak me out. "Shut up!!! You are an idiot!!!" I said, annoyed.

"Lost are we?" We heard a voice. We turned around and screamed.

"Wait..... you sound like a girl," I looked at him suspiciously. "Right now? You are such a child!!!"
"Well, I am a child, and guess what? I am more competent than you!"
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying you are stupid!!!"

The laughter was heard again, and we both froze. We had forgotten what was in front of us. "Awww, wrong time, huh?" She laughed.

Wrong time for what?

She began to get closer, and Francis pushed me behind him. It shocked me, but I was frozen either way.

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