The Potion

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Adult themes in this chapter, TW:Rape, Torture
What is it that everyone knows and she didn't?
The bottle with the potion was not heavy but it had a strange feeling to it, like it was slightly lighter than air, but also more of a liquid than water. The glass bottle was see through and the potion looked like liquid copper. It was quite bizarre when it reflected the light of the fireflys in the cave. The potion looked almost transperent but not transparent.

Mighty feathers..... This was crazy strange.... And utterly amazing....

Maleficent's thoughts quickly went over to the thin girl that had given her that potion.
What really was it that had disturbed that girl so much about..... her past?
Yes. It had to be her past.

It had to be something about her past, she didn't even know about and that scared her and worried her so much.

The dark fae didn't know if she wanted to know it, if it was so disturbing.
But he brain told her something else...

All of them know..... Every human being in that kingdom... But you don't know. It's embarrassing.

Maleficent slowly opened the bottle with the revealing potion, her hands working on their own accord.
Her wrists were shaking as she slowly pressed the bottle to her lips. She hesitated and closed her eyes, taking in a slow and long breath.
What was she even doing, it could easily be poison, meant to kill her or torture her.
Little did she know this would really be another kind of torture...

Maleficent quickly drank the liquid. It was burning her throat and she had to cough, trying not to throw up.

Then, the world around her turned black.
She fell onto her side, landing on the stone underneath her, her head narrowly missing a sharp rock and then hitting a patch of grass.



Maleficent awoke somewhere else with a sharp pain in her back. Where was she? What was that pain? When she opened her eyes she found herself laying on grass. It was cold, foggy and hoarfrost covered everything. Her hands felt completely numb when she tried to get up from her current position, but her back hurt so bad that she couldn't even get up.

Maleficent felt like she had been transported back in time. Wait....

A scared shriek and a pained groan left her lips as she felt her back with one hand, only to discover the bloody stumps of her once beautiful wings.
She cried out in agony.

Then... footsteps.
Heavy ones.

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

"Hello Maleficent", he said and chuckled.
This accent. It could only be him.

"Yes it's me. I like you like this... so delicately helpless and I'm the one in charge..."

She tried to move but couldn't, it was way too painful. A scared moan escaped her lips.

"Oh you know how to tease me don't you?
You always did. Such a filthy witch needs to be punished don't you think? Your wings are already gone but that's not enough."

She couldn't move.

"Yes... You can't move right? That's the shock I think."

This couldn't be happening. She'd trusted him until now. One sob followed another.

"Oh don't cry baby... It's all going to be over soon and you won't even remember. Yes don't be so shocked. I mixed the sleeping potion with a forgetting powder. That water you drank so obedient. Like a baby in my arms. In a day or two you won't be able to remember what happened here.
You will wake up and find that your wings are gone and I will be king soon... "

This can't be true.
Not to her... Please no....

" Say my name Maleficent. Say it! "

Her lips remained close. She wouldn't say his name.
At her lacking response to him, he slapped her backside with a large iron chain.
She cried out in pain.


Another whip to her neck. She couldn't take it. She heard him pull out the chain again.

"Stefan please. Stop... Please...."

Stefan chuckled. "Good girl"

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