Chapter 22

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Trinity's POV

"Wait you WHAT?" I asked. 

"I still love Kyla." Ashley responded. 

"Wow." I said, contemplating whether to text Tara or not. 

"And I feel bad because I've been such a bitch to her." 

"I certainly wasn't expecting you to forgive her anytime soon." 

"I don't really know if I forgive her or not. I'm just...." She trailed off. "I'm not over her." 

"This is...." 

"It's what?" 

"It's something." I sighed. 


Kyla's POV

As more time went on, I found it hard to believe I was kissing someone other than Ashley. 

Everything made me think of Ashley today, and now here I am, with another girl, and she won't get off my mind. 

As much as I tried, I couldn't get her off my mind. 

"You know what? Tara, I'm very sorry. I can't....I can't do this. You're such a good friend to me and I really can't ruin that." I stopped everything before it got overly PG-13, because it wasn't fair to her really. 

"I get that." She said. "You can't just give it one night?" 

"I mean...." I was buttoning up my jersey from the baseball game. 

"Just tonight?" 

I sat back down. "Maybe I can, just for tonight." 


When I woke up the next morning, and that's when I realized how badly I messed up. 

The first thing that threw me off was that I was cuddled with someone, and I could tell who ot was by her smell. And it wasn't Ashley. 

Why would it be her anyway?

I opened my eyes and moved a little so I could really see what was going on. Tara was wearing the shirt I had on under that jersey I got from Hatch yesterday, and she was passed out. 

I saw I had on hers, but I didn't care. My phone was nowhere in sight, so I quietly slipped out of her room and found it on the couch. 

It was literally 7am, so I hoped and prayed Trinity would wake up to the sound of her phone ringing when I called it. 

She didn't. 

Neither did Kelley or Hatch, so I contemplated asking Anna, and when I did, she didn't answer either. 

It was an off day, so it makes sense I guess. 

I called Trinity again, but still no answer. So I'm stranded here until someone decides to wake up and answer. 

An hour went by, and Tara hadn't woken up, and no one answered, which made me angry. 

I called Trinity again, and she finally answered. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"Kyla? What's wrong?" She asked. 

"Can you come get me from Tara's?" I asked. 

"Sure. I'm coming now." She said. "I'm really on pickup duty recently." 

"Thanks for actually answering." I laughed. 

We hung up, and I took a piece of fruit to eat as I made sure I had my purse and everything (that Tara wasn't wearing)

"Shit." I said, realizing I wasn't wearing my own leggings that I came in. I was wearing a pair of sweatpants that definitely belonged to Tara. 

As I was checking the floor for my actual leggings, I put on some random hoodie because it was freezing outside for some reason. 

I quietly left the room with no luck finding them when I got a text from Trinity saying she was here. 

I put on my shoes, grabbed my purse, and almost made it out the door. 

"Kyla?" Tara asked, walking out of her room. "Where you goin'?" 

"I....I fucked up. I gotta go." I said, trying to leave. 

"Why? What happened?" 

"I messed up. It's not you. Listen, I'll see you tomorrow at practice." 

"You're still in love with Ashley, aren't you?" She asked. 

I gulped, and nodded. 

Much to my surprise, she smiled. 

"What are you gonna do to get her back?" Asked Tara. 

"I have no idea." I said honestly.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow." She kissed me. "Thanks for a great night." 

"Um, you're welcome. And that's not gonna help my case with Ashley." I laughed. 

"I know. It was just one last time." 


Trinity dropped me off at my apartment, saying something about how Ashley's at her house, and she's just about the last person I want to see right now. 

"Did I mess up as bad as I think I did?" I asked her before I got out of the car. 

"No. Not even close. What would be messed up? You're not with her anymore." 

"I know but it's not fair to Tara and-" 

"It's a one night stand. You guys won't mention it ever again. No one else has to know." 

"I mean almost none of the clothes I'm wearing are mine." I said. "If anyone saw me right now...." 

"What does that matter?" 

"I don't know." 

"Listen, Kyla. You just need a good shower and a nap. So why don't you go do that, and call me after. Maybe we can hang out and talk then." Trinity said. 

"Okay." I got out of the car, we said bye, and I went to my apartment. 

I put down my purse on the counter, kicked my shoes off, grabbed my notebook, grabbed my guitar, and immediately started writing a new song. 

I had written 4 songs since Ashley and I had been over. I never was really a songwriter, I always just used my ability to play guitar to cover songs. 

But every time I pick up the guitar, I remember being in Trinity's living room the first time I met Ash, and I played Fearless by Taylor Swift for her. Then I would think of the lyrics, and it would remind me of that day we had where she gave me a tour of the city in the freezing cold. 

After a little while, I stopped to think about what Hatch had said about writing a note yesterday. And while I still kind of had my doubts, I figured it wouldn't hurt, right?

Fearless - Ashley SanchezKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat