Chapter 5

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After Ashley took care of me, I realized that I really do have a thing for her. But I could never ever tell Trinity, because we are both her best friends and I would ruin everything. 

Plus we are all teammates, which means if it got awkward there's no way to avoid eachother because we have to practice, play and travel together. 

So it was something I would have to just live with and wait for it to go away. 

"You guys want to go out to dinner?" Trinity asked. "I was talking to this guy in New York and he said there was this really nice restaurant about 30 minutes outside of D.C. that he loved and I want to check it out." 

"I'm down." Ashley said. 

"Me too." I said. 

"Well it's a nice fancy place so we need to dress up a bit." Said Trinity. 

"Darn it. All my nice stuff is in the moving truck that hasn't been packed yet." I sighed. 

"Hasn't left yet?" Ashley asked. 

"Well you can borrow something of mine." Trinity said, motioning for me to follow her. 


"Wait how has the moving truck not left yet?" Ashley followed us to Trinity's room. 

"They aren't sending the truck for a few more days. I don't know when it's leaving but it won't be here for a while so I only have some stuff." I explained. 


"Yeah. My parents are packing up the truck for me. I have my boxes packed already though." 

"Makes semse." 

"Try this on." Trinity said, throwing something at me. 

"This is going to be really big-"

"Just try it." 

As I expected, it was really big on me, and I took it off before I even showed them. 

"You're a lot taller than me. I won't fit in any of these specially fitted dresses you have." I sighed. 

"You want to try something of mine?" Asked Ashley. 

"Sure why not?" 

"Okay well you two go there and I'll meet you there and drive you." Trinity said, walking around her room and grabbing a bunch of random stuff. 

"Alright." I said, and we headed out.

"You know, you might as well just come stay with me instead." Ashley laughed. 

"Why?" I said, laughing too. 

"Well you have hung out with me so much more and we wear the same size clothes, like the same shows, I became your nurse for about 10 minutes, and I, unlike Trinity, didn't mind giving up half my bed for you." 

My heart stopped, because I took that as flirting and I didn't know if I should. 

"Maybe I will." I said. "But Trinity will be sad if I do." 


Then we had our millionth silent car ride in the past 3 days. 


I went into the bathroom and tried on a dress Ashley gave me, and it looked surprisingly good. She gave me one of her hair straighteners and I had my makeup, so I just got ready in the bathroom and she got ready in her room. 

I straightened my light brown hair and then did loose curls. I used a bit more makeup than normal and I heard Trinity come in the door. 

"Hurry up!! It's already 8:00!" She yelled. 

"One second!" Ashley yelled. 

I threw all my makeup in my bag and cleaned up quickly so I would beat Ashley out. I would rather not get yelled at by Trin today. 

"There you are! LET'S GO ASH!" 

"I'm coming!" She yelled from her room, and I heard the door open. 

I turned around to look at her, and I swear it was like a movie. Everything went in slow motion, and I just couldn't look away. She looked so insanely pretty. 

"You look so pretty." I said. "Like so pretty." 

"Thanks. You look beautiful too. That dress really looks good on you." She said, and I swear she winked or something. 

"You do look very pretty, Ash. And of course you too Ky." Trinity said. 

"Thanks." We both said at the same time. 

"O....kay then. Let's go." 

Dinner was very nice, very good, but very expensive, and I'm very broke. So that was good. 

But really, it was nice. Trinity and Ashley are the best people ever and we could talk all night. 

When we got to Ashley's to drop her off, I told Trinity I would go inside to change into my old clothes and give back the dress. 

"Here Ash. I'm going to go get changed and I'll give this back to you. Or I can wash it and give it back. Whatever you want." I said. 

"Keep it." She said. 

"No! It's a nice dress-" 

"It doesn't look good on me. And it barely fits anyway." Ashley walked over to me, and started playing with the straps of the dark blue dress. "And you look so beautiful in it. I want to see you in it again." 

"Well I can just borrow it again-" 

"Keep it." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes." She put her hand on my face. "You are just so pretty." 

"So are you." I said. "And I mean it. Like mean it mean it." 

"Me too." She said, getting closer. "Like I mean it mean it too." 



And that's when she kissed me. Like actually kissed me. 

Fearless - Ashley SanchezWhere stories live. Discover now