Chapter 4

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We binge watched a TV show for the rest of the night, (so professional athlete of us, I know) but I was too tired to even want to go back to Trinity's to stay, so I told Ashley I would sleep on her couch. 

"Are you crazy?" She said. "You can sleep in my bed." 

"No. I'm just going to sleep here." 

"No. Go lay down. I'm serious." 


"No, Ky. Go." She pointed towards her room, and I wrapped the blanket around me and went. 

I didn't even try to inspect the room, I was too tired. So I layed down, kicked the covers away, and closed my eyes. 

I drifted off a bit, but I felt a blanket cover me, a hand touch my arm, and then a whisper that said "Night, Ky." 

I rolled over, and said goodnight. Our faces were so darn close, and my tired ass kissed her on the cheek. 

Then she started talking about something, but I fell asleep. 


I was up with the sun, but Ashley defeinitely wasn't. 

I texted Trinity to ask her when she'd be home, because I really just couldn't wait to hang out with her. 

It was a 4 hour drive, so unless she left at like 8:00am, I still have at least 4 hours until she's home. 

She texted me back at 8:30, saying that she had just woke up and was going to get on the road by 9:00. She asked if I was at her house or Ashley's, and I told her. 

She said that we had to practice when she got home, and I agreed because I haven't practiced in about 3 days. 


"You look cute." I said to Ashley when she was finally dressed. 

"I'm not dressed any differently than I am any other day." She laughed. 

"You just look nice." I said. "Take the complement."

"Sounds good." She said, and grabbed her keys. "Ready to go?" 

"Yep. Got your stuff to practice in?" 


"Let's go then." 

When we were in the car, it happened again. She ran her fingers through her hair, I realized how hot she was and how I just WANTED her. 

We were pretty quiet for most of the ride, not much to really talk about. 

When we got to Trin's, she gave us both hugs and told us about her trip as we got ready for practice at the indoor facility. 

It was super icy walking in and out, and Ashley slipped on a patch of black ice. I caught her by the arm once walking to the car and another time walking to the building. 

We stayed there for 3 hours, and trained like crazy. I was exhausted by the end, and Ashley assured me that it wasn't this tough at actual training with the team. 

"Trin those drills remind me of high school." I said as we walked out. 

"Our coaches drilled those so far into our brains I could never forget." She laughed. "I miss it though." 

"Honestly I do too." I said, and then caught Ashley from slipping for a 3rd time. 

"How-" She started. 

"I don't even have to look anymore." I laughed as we got close to the car. 

"Shetgun!" She yelled, and started picking up speed to beat me there. 

"Ashley-" I said, but was cut off by the fact that I dropped everything to catch her AGAIN, this time catching her around the waist instead of the arm.

"You really need to learn to stay on your feet." I said, turning her around to face me. 

"I will." She said, and I saw a little blush hit her cheeks. 

I let go of her, and picked up my stuff, holding her arm all the way to the doors of the car. 

"Hey, maybe you're worth keeping around." Trinity joked. "You saved her life about a million times." 

"Well I'm glad you have a real reason now." I laughed. 

When we got back to her place, I got out of the car and slipped right when we got on the sidewalk. 

I went skidding, scraping my right hand and arm up really bad. 

"Oh shit!" Ashley said, reaching down to help me up. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine. Just a little cut up that's all." 

"I have tons of band-aids and stuff in my cabinet. I think I have gauze and shit in my bathroom under the sink..." Trinity said, walking ahead of us. 

"Keep your arm flipped with the cuts up so the blood doesn't drip." Ashley said, flipping it. 


"Does it hurt?" 


"Pretty good scrapes there." 

"I know." 

I sat down at the kitchen counter when we got inside and Ashley found band-aids and medical stuff. 

"Okay Trinity get me a....paper towel." She said, looking at my arm. "We need to get the extra blood off." 

"Okay." Trinity got one as Ashley opened stuff to clean the cut with. 

"Get all of that off and then we're gonna clean it. It's gonna sting but I have to." 

"Okay." I said, taking the towel and cleaning off my arm. 



She started wiping at the cut on my arm, and it stung like crazy. I tried to pull my arm away but she had a firm grip on it. 

"Ashley it hurts! It stings! Stop!"I said, trying bhard to pull my arm away. 

"Done. It's done." She said, and opened a band-aid and put it over one part of the cut. "You'll be okay." 

"Thanks." I said, and when I looked up, she looked up too and we met eyes for a second. They lingered there for a second before she went back to bandaging my arm. 

"Unfortunately we don't have any lollipops." Trinity joked. 

"Aw darn!" I laughed. 

"But you can have a hug and a kiss." Ashley said, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

I guess I will update this every 2/3 days ish. I decided that I'm just going to publish the rest of my Mal story this week so I can focus on writing the sequel and other stories. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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