Chapter 11

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After the game ended in a 4-0 win, I got a shower in the locker rooms and then the bus took the team back to the hotel. 

But before we went back to the locker room and were still on the field, I got to make a video for the Spirit's social medias. It was just about my first appearance and stuff. 

Back at the hotel, I was tired and also starting to feel like shit, so I just told Trinity and went to bed since we had to be up early to fly back home. 

I woke up with a stuffy nose but I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would. But after the whole getting through the airport and flying and everything, I felt terrible. 

I could barely stand up because I felt so dizzy and had such a bad headache. 

"It's freaking freezing." I complained, coughing a bit as I tried to stand up. 

"Well we've gotta get off the plane." Trinity said, giving me her hand to pull me up. 

"I'm too dizzy." I complained. 

"Come on, Ky. We're the only ones left." Ashley said. 

"I don't feel good." 

"That's okay. We're gonna get you home and get you medicine and let you sleep." 

"Good." I coughed, and let them help me up. 

I made it through the airport, sweating like crazy but also freezing. 

"Does she have a temperature?" Ashley asked as she grabbed our suitcases from the carousel thingy. 

Trinity nodded, not even bothering to put her hand on my forehead. 

"She's leaning against me and she's burning up." 

"Alright. Let's get her home." Sighed Ashley, pulling all of her bags and mine. 

"It's freezing." I complained. 

"We've heard." Trinity said, fishing around for her keys. "Do you want my hoodie?" 

"Yes." I said, and she took it off and gave it to me. It was nice and warm and very comfortable. 

I fell asleep in the passenger side of Trinity's car as we drove home, and she brought all my bags into the house before waking me up. 

"I got you medicine right here." She said, giving me some cold medicine. "And I'm gonna stay in case you need me. If you need anything just yell for me or text. Go lay down." 

I took a cup of water, swallowed the pills, and went to my room and fell asleep quickly. 


"She's still sleeping?" I heard someone ask. 


"Did she get up at all?" 

"Not once." I recognized the voice as Ashley, and she was talking to Trinity. 

"It's been 12 hours. Should we get her up? Is she alive?" Asked Trinity. 

I rubbed my eyes and moved a little bit to show them I was awake, and I still felt like complete and total shit. 

I was covered in a cold sweat and I couldn't figure out if I was hot or cold, so I kicked all of the covers off except one little one. 

"How you feeling, Ky?" Ashley asked me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and rubbing my arm softly. 

"Like shit." I said, coughing. 

"I brought this when I came back." Trinity gave Ashley, who was sitting next to me on my bed, a thermometer. 

"You're sweating like crazy." Ashley said, running the thermometer across my forehead. "Oh man. 103.4." 

"Crap." Trinity said. "Do we have to take her to the hospital?" 

"No I'm fine." I said, sitting up a bit. 

"Well let's get you more medicine for the time being and see how you feel in the morning." Said Ashley. 

"Can I have water too?" I asked. 

"Of course." 

"Are you hungry?" Trinity asked. 

"Not at all." I replied. 

"Sounds good. I'm just gonna get your stuff and I'll be right back. Also can you just text your dad to let him know you're okay? He texted me because he hadn't heard from you all day. I told him you were sick and I would tell you to text him when you woke up." 

"Okay." I said, and Ashley handed my phone. "So what happened while I was sleeping?" 

"Not much, really. At 6:00, I came over and let Trinity have a break because there wasn't anything to do here. Well she came back to let me go home and sleep, thinking you were awake before she got here, which you weren't." 


"I just hope you're okay." She said, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Your forehead just radiates heat. Your whole body, really." 

I laughed, which turned to coughing relatively quickly. 

"I have the water! I have it!" Trinity came running in with a cup of water in one hand and medicine in her other hand. 

"Thanks." I said, taking it all. 

"Listen, you guys call if you need anything. I'm gonna head home. I'll see you guys in the morning. Fell better, Ky." Ashley got up, patted my arm and left. 

"Are you gonna go back to sleep?" Trinity asked. 

"Yes. It's like the middle of the night." 

"Well text your dad." 

"I did." 

"Good. Rest up. Goodnight." She patted my arm too, and I stopped her before she left. 

"Trin." I said, making her turn around. 

"What's up?" 

"Thank you." 

"For what?" 

"For staying with me." 

"Well what are best friends for if I can't take care of you when you're deathly sick?" She laughed. 

"But you didn't have to stay here." 

"I did. I was worried about you. Now go to sleep. Goodnight." 

"Goodnight. Love you." I said. 

"Love you too." 

Fearless - Ashley SanchezWhere stories live. Discover now