°✦『Hell Devil』✦° Arc: 3

Începe de la început

In front of the door stood a tall boy with a black high school uniform and dark purple-black bangs that got over his eyes. His familiar smile, this time, was meant as a warning and his happy face, was meant as a threat. 

"Good morning Mr. Hayakawa sir, I'm Hirofumi Yoshida, Y/n's classmate." 

"Oh... come in Yoshida-kun... if you're Y/n's friend... how about you have breakfast with us?" Aki stepped aside the door and offered him in, yet the young boy denied. "I'm here to get Y/n actually... you see..." Yoshida gave Y/n a death glare, "...She's not been to school since the past  two weeks... and our exams are in three days." Frost looked back at Yoshida with a worried face, 'Aw shit... I completely forgot about that part...'

"So I'm here, to take her with me to give her some tutoring sessions... or she will fail no doubt." He grinned at her as she sighed and stood up. "Fine... I'll study..." She said as Aki turned to her, somewhat worried, somewhat enraged.

"And what the hell were you doing all this time?" Aki asked.

"She was usually dozing off or playing video games with us." Denji and Power said, making Frost flinch, as now, two guys were being angry at her. "I gave you popsicles!" Frost shouted at Denji and power -"You can't buy our silence with popsicles!" (assassination classroom reference~)

A few minutes later, Frost was on the street walking to Yoshida's home with him, 'Come to think of it, he's supposed to be my partner, and I haven't a single clue where he lives...' she wondered while looking straight up ahead, towards the road. 

"Snow... I didn't get you here for the exams in reality." He said after the two were a descent distance away from Aki's house. "What about the exam?"

"You'll pull it off, your intellect is pretty high... though still, don't fail."

"I won't... now what's the reason you called?"

"Mr. Kishibe has called you over... from now on, you'll have to learn how to properly use your powers..."

"What? Why so sudden-"

"The state we've reached... is grave..."

"What's up with this human..." She lowered her gaze, and sharpened her presence, "Speak in a systematic manner." She wasn't fooling around, something was up for sure. Reze disappeared, Makima never showed up for help and now, Denji's chainsaw form had come on television, indeed something was stirring up.

A breeze tickled her silky locks of hair as she stood in front of Yoshida. He sighed and started walking with her, "The chainsaw man is on the news, the T.V. and thus, also on the prey list..."

"Prey list...?"

"I'm not sure why, but at Denji's heart, there is something of great value..."

"The chainsaw's heart, I've seen this. Every devil we've encountered so far has only wanted to take Denji's heart."

"You're right... and now, he's going to be on the prey list of assassins form all over the world..."

Frost stood there wide eyed, "By all over the world..."

"I mean hunters and assassins... who're after the chainsaw's heart. It is natural they'll try to kill you too... seeing how Makima is attached to you."

"Killing me..."

"...Would mean weakening her. But that isn't an option for us though, you're our only key to killing her."

"This is bizzare..." She said as the two reached Kishibe's house and the old man welcomed them both, offering them a seat, and a cup of coffee each. "I believe Yoshida filled you in on the situation?" Kishibe asked Frost as she nodded. "Very well... for the next three days, the two of you will be staying here. I got you the necessary items, so feel at home." He stood up and went up to the door, "After 2 hours exact, meet me at the devil hunter's graveyard. The enemy can attack whenever, we begin your training right away." Saying this, the old man left.

𝐷𝐸𝑉𝐼𝐿'𝑠 𝐿𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑦》Cʜᴀɪɴsᴀᴡ Mᴀɴ X RᴇᴀᴅᴇʀUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum