I nodded with a polite smile, feeling even more anxiety as everyone focused on our conversation.

"Didn't your friend die?" He asked out of nowhere.

I already wanted to punch this man.

"Yes, he did." I said, trying not to sound affected.

"He was the one I told all of you about; the weak-minded kid who killed himself." David announced to everyone in Italian.

I clenched my teeth, trying to control my anger.

"Pathetic." The man next to him shook his head with a small chuckle.

Ace, Noah, Charlie, and Daxton were looking at me with raised eyebrows, seeming shocked at this new information.

I gave them a small, confused look, trying to act like I didn't know what he said.

"Why were you friends with such a weak person like him?" David asked, looking straight at me.

"I'm sorry?" I asked quickly, balling my hand into a fist under the table.

If I didn't have more dignity, I would have already floored him by now.

"Why would you even want to be associated with someone as pathetic and weak as him?" He asked, "Everyone knows people like that only make you-"

"May I be excused?" I asked Mr. Thompson politely, cutting David off before he could say something that would make me punch him.

"Yes, you may." Mr. Thompson said, making me stand.

Halfway to the door that led to the exit the dining room, I heard David mumble something in Italian.

"Just as weak as your so-called friend."

I turned around in just enough time to catch his dagger with my left hand, just before it could hit my shoulder.

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes, mouths hanging open in shock.

The only problem was that I caught it by the blade part.

I immediately felt the stinging of a deep cut on my palm and blood running down my wrist, but I didn't react.

I had my eyes locked on David.

I calmly walked over to him, keeping the dagger in my hand as everyone silently watched me, still seeming completely shocked.

I went behind David and bent down a little, so my head was right next to his right ear.

"Next time any of you talk about Jack like that, I promise I will make you regret it." I said quietly in a deathly calm tone.

It was so quiet in there you could hear a pin drop.

With my still bleeding left hand, I stabbed the blood covered dagger into the wooden table right next to his left arm and walked away.

The fact that I just spoke Italian to 50 people who had been speaking Italian all night and had no idea I knew what they were saying was probably a big shock by itself.

But the fact that I, a 13-year-old girl, threatened an entire Mafia was probably an even bigger shock.

I left the room, letting the huge wooden doors click shut behind me, trying not to get blood on the floor.

I went to 'my' room, going straight to the attached bathroom, not bothering to shut the door.

My hand was bleeding a lot.

Like, more than it should have been.

Just the sight of my own blood made me feel sick.

I took a deep breath, wiped a tear that fell, and held a towel to my hand.

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