Chapter 8

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                                                *3 weeks later*

Three weeks into this, and I'm starting to think this is worse than how my parents treated me.

Deborah, the orphanage lady, would hit me and abuse me just like my parents did, she always said there wasn't enough food for me, which didn't bother me because I wanted the kids to have enough.

She wouldn't let me go to the hospital to get my stitches out or to check my shoulder, but I was kind of happy about that because I knew if I went to the hospital that could hurt me, and she made sure to hurt me just as much as my parents did.

I ended up taking the stitches out myself and decided to stop wearing the sling.

Not because my shoulder felt better but because the sling was annoying.

If anything, my shoulder felt worse, but I didn't dare say anything.

But I did manage to teach all the kid's manners and got them to listen to rules, which was a huge accomplishment of all 21 of us.

One day while I was feeding the babies, I heard a knock at the door.

I went to the door with a baby in my arms and opened the door.

I was met with Mr. Thompson and his two sons.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I smiled politely.

"We need you to come with us." Mr. Thompson said seriously.

"Um," I hesitated, watching more police cars pull up in front of the house before looking over my shoulder to all the kids at the table, smiling and laughing.

"Give me one minute." I told them, running to set the baby down, before going to Debora's room.

"What do you want?!" She screamed at me when I knocked on the door.

I slowly opened it, seeing her on her bed with at least 5 empty alcohol bottles around her, and a beer in her hand.

"Someone is here to talk to you, ma'am." I said quietly.

She followed me down the stairs, almost falling from the amount of alcohol in her body but managed to make it to the door.

"What do you want?" She spat to the three men at the door, relying on the doorframe to keep her on her feet.

I went to the kitchen, not wanting to hear the conversation, and sat with the kids.

"We need to speak to Adeline." I heard Officer Thompson say firmly from the door after a few minutes of Deborah yelling.

"Adeline!" Deborah yelled from the door, making me stand again.

"Yes, ma'am?" I asked quietly, standing next to her.

"These people want to talk to you." She said before stumbling back up the stairs.

There were now 5 police officers standing behind them, all who looked very eager to come inside.

"Come with us." Mr. Thompson said.

"I can't leave the kids, sir." I said quietly, immediately regretting opening my mouth.

"Don't worry about that; they'll take care of it." He said monotone, nodding to the police officers behind them.

Well, I guess I don't have much of a choice.

So, I followed them to an expensive looking black car, and sat in the back with Hunter.

As Mr. Thompson started driving, he quietly spoke to his eldest son who was in the passenger seat.

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