I grimaced, stepping onto one of the floating stairs and continuing on my way as it moved, heading down to the ground floor.

Most of us preferred to avoid the floor- The Carrows had the tendency of patrolling it more, of walking around in an attempt to catch students. I tried not to dwell on this as I made my way to the broom closet, pulling it open and groaning in frustration when it too was empty.

I was heading towards the common room when movement outside the window caught my eye, and I nearly screamed as a Dementor breezed by. But it paid me no attention, didn't hover by the glass, didn't register me at all- It kept on moving, like it was following something.

Carefully as possible, I approached the window and peeked out.

I didn't scream- It wasn't an instant reaction anymore, not with the Carrows around- but I did run, hurrying to get out into the yard as fast as I could. From each window I passed by, I could get another small snapshot of what was happening outside- Could see the Dementors crowding around the girl. I couldn't guess her age- But she was small, and definitely too young to know how to defend herself.

Wearily, I reminded myself that when it came to Dementors, neither did I.

But I certainly stood a better chance than she did.

"HEY!" My voice was rough as I ran outside, hurrying towards the dark mass. The girl had fallen to the ground in the time it had taken me to arrive, her hands flung up over her head as if to ward the creatures off. They simply hovered closer though, curious and hungry. She hadn't reacted to my voice, and I wondered if it was because she wasn't conscious or if she was just too scared to move.

"Crap- Protego!" I pointed my wand, watching as a shield moved forward over the girl. For a moment I thought it might work, but the Dementors were only pushed back for a moment before they returned, and now coming for me, too.

"Expecto Patronum!" I said rather unconvincingly, and nothing came from my wand. Come on- I could do this, I knew that.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and held my wand out, trying to ignore the goosebumps that crawled across my skin as the cold air ghosted across me.

Happy memories. Good memories. I latched onto one, pushing away the dreariness behind me and embracing the light and the warmth I could remember, letting it make my chest tight before I spoke again.

"Expecto Patronum!"

And this time I could feel the spell- Feel it unravel down my arm, the the silver creature coming out of my wand with grace as it appeared to gallop towards the Dementors, forcing them back.

Tearing my eyes away from it, I could see the girl lift her head up, dark eyes wide as she took in the sight in front of her. She was alright, then. Thank Merlin.

I only watched as the Dementors abandoned their meal, floating away. And with them gone, I was able to focus on the animal still prancing about in the air, and a laugh tore itself from my throat despite the situation.

"Are you kidding?" I asked, eyes wide as I took in the fawn as it circled around me, seemingly very pleased with itself before its silvery form vanished into the air.

All of that work, and my patronus was a baby deer?

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I hurried forward to check on the girl. She wasn't crying, to my relief, but had a sense of fear and horror clinging to her, her knees pulled up to her chest and her eyes filled with an understandable fear.

"Hey- Hey, you're okay. But we need to get inside now, alright? Before they come back." I told her, offering my hand to help her off the ground. She stared at me, seemingly a little taken aback by the offer- And when she stood up without my help, I understood why. Because now I could clearly see she was dressed in Slytherin colors, from her tie to her robe to the small snake pin she had attached to the front of it.

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