CHAPTER 1:My Unrequited Love

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My name is Aurora de Luca, my father is Ace de Luca the once ruthless mafia Don

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My name is Aurora de Luca, my father is Ace de Luca the once ruthless mafia Don. My mother is Victoria (Rossi) de Luca, the woman my father kidnapped to marry so my grandmother, Lucinda would leave him alone. I love hearing that story, mom used to tell me and Nikolai that story when we were younger.

Mom always tells me that I will have an enchanting love story and find my Prince charming like she did. But I gave up on that dream along time ago.

I always dreamed of Leo being my Prince charming, but I gave up on that a few months ago.

Leo is the heir to the Sicillian mafia and is my brother Nikolai's best friend. His father Luca and my father are best friends. They don't use that term but I know they are, they come to our home for every holiday.

Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, you name it, EVERY HOLIDAY.

I see them as family, Chiara is like a second mother to me and Luca is like an uncle. Every holiday they come and I have to see HIM. I have to see Leo, and know that he will never love me back.

I have to hear him talk to Nikolai about his last one night stand, and how he loves being free and not being in a relationship. He says he doesn't have time for relationships.

Rolling my eyes mentally..

I have been in love with Leo ever since I can remember. Mom used to tell me how he used to rock me to sleep when I was a newborn and he was a few years old, and how he would hold my hand.
It's not like that anymore, over the years he began to despise me and I don't know why.

He knows I've been in love with him since we were younger and he loves to take advantage of it.

But not anymore.

I haven't seen him in a few months and I have had time to reflect on myself and I've come to realise I deserve better and that I need to stop waiting around for something that will NEVER happen.


Right now I'm doing my college work on my desk in my room. I'm studying psychology and I love it. I'm listening to Chase Atlantic-Into it, when I get a text from my best friend and cousin Sofia.

Sofia :There's a new club opening tonight and we have to go.. Please,it's going to be so much fun.

I was done with my college work and I need to get out of the house and I'm sure I'll be allowed out, mom and dad let me go out whenever I want,I'm 22 now and they know I can make my own decisions. We will obviously need to bring  bodyguards but thats fine.
I text back.

Aurora: Yeah okay, I'll text Raquel, she will love it, meet at my house in a half an hour?

We have the luxury of only living ten minutes from each other,  Raquel lives only ten minutes aswell, so we can meet anytime we want.

Sofia :Yeah do, Perfect I will be there in a while,CANT WAIT!!

I chuckled at her message before texting Raquel, and she said Yes which I was expecting,Raquel loves clubbing, she gets that from Auntie Brie as mom always says. She knows the plan and will be here in a half an hour aswell.

Aurora's Outfit

Aurora's Outfit

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When I finished getting ready Raquel and Sofia were here

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When I finished getting ready Raquel and Sofia were here. I went downstairs and the last person I wanted to see was there in the kitchen. Leo.

He was in the kitchen with my father  Luca, and my brother Nikolai.

"Hi guys" I greeted walking up to the kitchen counter hugging dad and poking Nikolai in the ribs and he practically jumped out of his skin. I laughed and put my purse on the table.

"Hello Aurora you look lovely where are you off to? Luca asked who was sitting beside Leo.

" I'm going clubbing with Sofia and Raquel" - there was knocking on the door-" and that must be them. " I said going to open the door.

"Hey girls" I said hugging them. When they came inside and greeted everyone,I noticed judgy side glares from Leo who was looking me up and down, I gave him a quick glance to know he was dressed in a suit and his hair was all messy, but I chose to ignore him.

"You'll need to bring bodyguards with you love. "Dad said.

" I know, I already asked Massimo to escorts us."

" Good girl" he said kissing my head.

"We better get going, or we're going to miss the opening "Sofia said checking the time on her phone.

" Whats the club called? "Nikolai asked.

" Pandemonium" Sofia said showing him pictures of the club.

I ignored them and said goodbye to dad.
" Okay, bye dad love you, love you too  Nik "I said teasing him." See ye later. " I said to Luca ignoring Leo, who was staring at me intensly.

" BYE! ", Raquel and Sofia shouted racing to the car. I laughed walking out the door and before I closed it, I saw Leo's head turned to the side watching me. We made eye contact before I closed the door.

I'm not thinking about him anymore.

15 minutes later...

15 minutes later we arrived at the club.
Raquel, Sofia and me make our way in to the club with Massimo following close behind.

"Oh my god, it's amazing in here!"
I shout through the loud echo of music blasting from the speakers.
"Yeah it is!"They both agree heading towards the bar. We order our drinks and drink them down quickly.
"Have fun girls". Massimo muttered before we ran into the crowd to dance the night away.

This is the song playing..

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