Chapter 34

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It's not long after we touch down at the airport and collect our luggage when Max receives a phone call. While he walks a distance behind me to answer it, Kim keeps me company and tells me about her planned vacation with her girlfriend in Scotland. From the way she talks about her, I can tell she really loves Jess. It's been nice getting to know her this past week and from seeing her interacting with Max, I can tell that they are close, both as colleagues and as friends. I've enjoyed learning more about Max through her eyes and there were many times in Paris when we were the last two at the table, sharing a bottle of wine as we talk about our partners. I hope that if things continue to grow between Max and me, I can get to see Kim more, as I feel we could become good friends.

When we finally walk through the glass doors and exit the confines of the airport, a feeling of apprehension of being almost back home washes over me. I notice the subtle changes in my breathing and how my eyes dart around the area, looking for any sign of danger. At least when I was in Paris with thousands of miles between me and Sarah, I knew I could come to no harm and could breathe easy, but being here where anything could happen, I don't feel safe. I unconsciously rub the spot on my head where I was hit, remembering flashbacks of that day.

Kim is unaware of my unease and carries on speaking about her plans for when she gets home, which I can only half listen to. I'm thankful that she can't sense how I'm feeling, as I don't want her or anyone else to fuss over me. I stay mostly quiet as we walk to our cars, nodding my head or uttering a word or two when Kim is expecting a response from me and try to calm myself down before Max sees me up close. The presence of Johnson helps comforts me and he walks at my pace nearby, still looking out for me after Max instructed him to after my attack.

Along the way, various colleagues of Max go their separate ways as they head for their own vehicles and after walking for a few minutes more, we arrive at Max's and Kim's vehicles, which are parked next to each other. Johnson helps to put my luggage in the trunk while Kim goes to put hers in her car and as I stand by the car waiting to say my last goodbyes to Kim, I feel an arm slip around my waist which causes me to yelp in surprise.

"Shh. It's just me, baby," Max says soothingly in my ear.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to jump."

"Your body feels so tense," he says, looking down at me with a frown.

"I'm just tired from the flight."

"Hmm. You slept for hours." He cups his hands around my face and kisses my lips. "It's okay to feel nervous being home."

"Maybe I am a little," I admit.

"The detectives have reported nothing suspicious to me the entire time we've been away, and you know Johnson is going to be monitoring you when I'm not with you."

"I know. For all we know, Sarah may have had some epiphany and realized that if she tries anything again, they'll be serious consequences from the law."

"Here's to hoping," he murmurs.

"Is that who you were just on the phone to earlier? The detectives?"

He shakes his head. "No. I was talking to my building contractor."

I remember my conversation with Max a couple of weeks ago when he mentioned he was building another house which would become his permanent home once it's finished being built. "Oh. I hope everything is all right?"

"It is. He just wants me to stop by to discuss what I want to do with some rooms upstairs. Do you mind if we make a quick detour before we head to my place?"


He looks over my shoulder and nods his head at someone. "Let's see Kim off, and then we can get going."

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