Chapter 22

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As I rouse from a heavy slumber, I'm first aware of the incredible heat that is surrounding my body. I rub the sleep from my eyes and slowly open my lids, seeing the reason for my hot temperature. Max has encased his entire body around mine like a child that is clinging on for dear life. His head is a mere few inches away from my own, and I can feel the warm little puffs of air on my cheek that escape from his parted lips. His sleeping face looks so angelic, free of crease lines and worries.

The more alert I become, the more I realize the extremities of Max's hold on me. His right arm is buried beneath my camisole top, holding onto my breast, while his leg is draped over mine, trapping my legs. He's pressed up so tightly against me I can feel the outline of his hardness. I bite my lip playfully, wondering how he would respond if I lower my hand and stroke him, but I decide to let him sleep a little longer before he has to get up for work.

My stomach rumbles loudly, protesting for food, and even though I'd like to stay in bed a little longer and snuggle up against him, I need to eat something. I gently push his leg off of me and shuffle off the bed and quietly pad out of the bedroom, heading straight to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cornflakes before going to sit down on the leather couch. I'm halfway through my bowl when Max emerges from my bedroom, his hair in wild disarray. He saunters over to where I am sitting and places a kiss against my cheek before he goes to a get a bowl of cornflakes himself.

As I watch him pour the cereal into his bowl, I think about how there are definitely perks to having him stay over for the night. The main reason being that I get to lust over his magnificent physique, as he's only wearing his black Calvin Klein briefs.

"Enjoying the view?" he asks huskily, using the same words I said to him last night when I rose from the tub.

"Yes," I agree, licking the milk off the back of my spoon.

He lets out a low hiss and points down to his briefs. "Do that again and I'll have you lick something else."

My pulse instantly speeds up and I feel my cheeks heat from the thoughts of kneeling in front of Max and taking him in my mouth.

His hooded eyes are fixed on my spoon, so I tease him a little more and poke my tongue out, though, just before my tongue meets the spoon, I drop it back in my bowl and sigh comically. "As tempting as that actually sounds, we can't be late for work. Remember, we have to leave early so you can drop me off at my shop."

He throws his head back and laughs. "No. We wouldn't want that."

When Max parks his car outside of my shop, I'm met with two wide, curious sets of eyes

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When Max parks his car outside of my shop, I'm met with two wide, curious sets of eyes.

"Shit," I mumble as I wave through the glass at Suzanne and Callie. "We should have parked around the corner."

I feel Max place his hand on my knee and I turn my head to look at him. "Sorry, Lily. I should have thought."

"It's fine. The only person I'm worried about knowing about us right now is Paige, and she's thousands of miles away."

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