Chapter 10

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As I sit in my high rise office and try to go over the quarterly sales of the business, I can't help but find it hard to focus. My mind keeps thinking about Lily and the guy she was talking to back at her florist's shop yesterday. They seemed to be happy to see each other, and it makes me wonder if there may be something there between them. I couldn't blame the guy, as Lily is a stunning woman. Even now I can still picture her in her sheer bridesmaid dress and how beautiful she looked in this, and even more when I got her out of it. I clench the sheets, holding the figures in my hand and try to rid the image of Lily lying beneath me on the bed.

My two financial advisers sitting on the opposite side of my desk are clueless to my distracted thoughts and continue to talk about hitting the European market sooner than I initially expected. Now and again I nod my head, pretending to be listening when all I'm actually thinking about is Lily and the guy she was talking to at the shop, wanting to know if they will see each other again. I look at the clock on the corner of my desk and I see that it's only five minutes until we end the meeting for lunch. I could go down there to see her and find out. Though what would that achieve? Even if their meeting was a coincidence, I couldn't ask her out myself. I'm not ready to date another woman, especially one who is a close friend of my sisters.

I shake my head, ridding the preposterous idea from my thoughts, and try to focus on the meeting once more. It takes me a minute to work out what they are discussing and I'm lucky that they haven't asked me a direct question yet, as I would be at a loss to provide them with an answer.

"-and I think I know the right people who can make us a marketing campaign that will hit the EU market by storm," Garrett adds to the conversation as he scratches his beard.

My brow furrows as I ponder how much of the meeting I have missed so far. The last thing I remember us talking about was investors, and I have no clue if any agreements came from that. Seeing how it would be pointless to continue this meeting with my head clearly not in the game, I find an opportunity to interrupt their brainstorming and end the meeting here. "Yes, it all sounds good. You can unofficially start talking to the people you know to get this ball rolling, but officially you'll have to wait until my dad comes in tomorrow to discuss it further." Both men nod and murmur in agreement. I clap my hands together, signaling the end of the meeting. "Well, gentlemen, it sounds like we have a lot of work to be doing, so let's get cracking."

Both men stand while I stay seated in my chair. I can tell by the confused expressions on their faces that they were expecting me to join them. "Not coming for lunch, Max?" Smith asks, straightening his blue tie.

"Sadly not. I have a few more precedent things that I need to take care of, so I'll need to take a rain-check."

"Another time then?"

"Yes, another time." I flash a smile, and they both exit my office. As soon as I'm left alone, I drop my head back and blow out a breath in frustration. How can one woman cause me such distraction at an important time like this? I don't know how she has such a hold on me and for the next ten minutes I try to convince myself that it would be a bad idea to see her again, but every time I picture her face my resolve wains and before I know what I'm doing, I head for the door.

"Stacey, I'm going to take lunch for an hour or two. Hold any calls, and I'll get back to them later."

"Will do, Mr. King."

I'm glad I have Stacey as my head assistant. She's driven and hard-working, which makes my life a lot easier. She's only a few months away from going on maternity leave and I don't know what I'll do without her when she goes.

I continue to walk down the corridor and stop by the metal doors, pressing the button to bring the lift to me. While I wait for it to climb the twenty floors, I pull out my phone from my suit pocket and dial Johnson. "Can you have my car ready for me at the front of the building within the next two minutes?"

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