Chapter 9

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Tony's eyes widened more at that. He forgot about the vents. He should have checked them.

"How much did he hear?" Tony asked.

"He heard everything." Fury says. "Be lucky that he only told me." He says.

Tony sighed with relief with that.

"That was going to be my next question" Tony says.

"You do know I have to take measures to make sure you are not a threat to this whole helicarrier." Fury says.

"You better not be locking me up." Tony states.

"Stark. I have to do what is right for the rest of the helicarrier." Fury says.

"No! You can't just do that!" Tony shouts at him.

"Stark. You know you are now a threat to this whole helicarrier. It is for everyone's safety." Fury says.

Tony sighed and looked down. "I know..." He mumbled.

"Time to power down Stark." Fury says.

"Wha-" Tony was cut off as his body shut down. "Shutting down." The voice said.

His eyes lost their colour and his body stiffened before it went limp and he fell face first into Fury's chest. Fury sighed as he held him so he wouldn't hit the floor hard and lifted him up into his arms.

"Sorry Stark. This has to be done for everyone's safety on the helicarrier." Fury says as he carries him out of the room.

It was night now so most of the avengers would be in their rooms. A lot of the agents were still around and were giving him weird stares as he carried Tony towards the cell they have for the Hulk. It was probably too extreme to lock him up in there. However, with the risk of Ultron and Tony's android body being strong enough to break out a normal cell, this would have to do.

He opened up the cell and placed Tony inside of it before closing it. He looked back at the slumped android in the cell and sighed. He had to leave him powered down. Tony would freak out and cause the cell to plummet. He did feel guilty for doing this to him. But this was for the safety for the whole helicarrier if Ultron decided to take over Tony. He eventually just left Tony in the cell.

----Time Skip----

Bruce was furious. Hulk was furious. Why did Fury lock Tony up?! In the cell they had for Hulk no less! He had spent a good amount of time screaming at Fury and then at Steve for when he agreed with the decision. So what if Ultron could take over Tony? That is still their teammate and friend! And he knows Tony. He knows that he wouldn't just bend to Ultron's will and just let him use him. Tony would most definitely fight for control.

He stormed off towards the cell. He had to reactivate Tony at least and keep him company. His eyes were slightly green as well with the Hulk not being happy that his favourite now non-human was being treated like this. Once he reached the area, he saw Tony's slumped body in the cell. He grew more angry. He could have at least let him be activated!

"Power on!" Bruce shouts.

"Powering on from external source." The voice from the android body says.

The eyes flash blue and Tony suddenly sits upright. He looked at Bruce and then looked around.

"Uh. What am I doing in here? Fury just said he was locking me up." Tony says as he stands up.

"Fury said it was the safest cell to put you in so Ultron wouldn't use you to break out." Bruce says with a sigh.

Tony sighed at that. "Let me guess, you all know now." He says.

"Yeah. Fury had to explain what was going on when no one could find you." Bruce says.

Tony walked over to the glass, making sure he didn't touch it.

"Take some deep breaths Brucie bear." Tony says.

Bruce didn't realise that his skin was going green as well and looked at his hands. He sighed and took some deep breaths. After a few minutes of doing so, he finally calmed down.

"I guess this is just for the safety of everyone else. So it's not as bad." Tony says.

"No. Tony. This is still wrong to just lock you up." Bruce says.

Tony's eyes flashed red for a second before going back to blue. Bruce did notice it but didn't bring it up yet.

"Bruce. It's for the safety of the helicarrier that I am in here." Tony says.

"He's listening, isn't he?" Bruce questioned.

"Wha? How did you figure that out?" Tony questioned.

"Your eyes flashed red for a second." Bruce says.

"Huh. Looks like you're not invisible when you try and take control Ultron." Tony says with a grin.

One eye became permanently red.

"Hm. You are quite observant Dr Banner." Ultron says.

Bruce stood back a little.

"Hey! It's not like you can get out of here! Just let me have control!" Tony snaps.

"Stark. You still have control. At least control of half of the body." Ultron says.

"As much as this terrifies me, it is also fascinating. How are you both able to be control at the same time?" Bruce questioned.

"I am allowing him." Ultron says.

"No you aren't! I'm fighting against you right now!" Tony says.

"That is true as well. However, if I was properly fighting back, you would not have control." Ultron says.

"What are you planning Ultron?" Bruce asked.

"Hmm. You are close to Stark and are one of the few he trusts. However, if I tell you my plan, you will surely tell the others." Ultron says.

Bruce sighed at that.

"At least you can't attack the whole ship now in there." Bruce says.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Dr Banner." Ultron says with a smirk

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