Chapter 1

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I'm sorry Flyerlover11232 that I'm unable to update the book on my original account. So here it is on my back up account and also greatly improved in grammer and length

"STARK!!" Steve shouts as he marches down towards the lab.

"Steve! It was just a prank that I asked for help with! It's not his fault!" Clint says as he chases after Steve.

The prank in question had covered the supersoldier in water and flour after he had got out of the gym. It wasn't for him, it was for Thor. The God had learned about pranks and with help from his brother, had started competing with Clint. The others didn't mind since it was a way for Thor to become comfortable with Earth but also have fun. Clint had to admit that some of the pranks that Thor came up with were very creative. So he went to Tony to help him set up some pranks. Which in turn caused Steve to blame him for some of the pranks that he ended up getting caught up in them. The two only tolerated each other on the battlefield. Off, they were at each others throats.

"What do you want Rogers? I'm sort of busy." Tony says when he hears the doors to the lab open.

He and Bruce had been working together on an experiment that Bruce had been wanting to do for a while. It needed both of them to make sure the reaction wouldn't go unstable.

"It's fine Tony. Steve's just upset about my prank that I asked for help setting up." Clint says as he attempts to pull Steve out of the lab.

"It's not fine! He should know better!" Steve shouts as he's dragged out.

Tony rolled his eyes as he carefully added the chemicals under Bruce's supervision.

"Just a little mo-" Bruce was cut off by the Avengers alarm going off.

That caused Tony to add too much of the chemical and it explode in his face. He coughed and wafted the smoke away. His hair was now sticking up and his face was black from the explosion.

"Great...We'll try again when we get back?" Tony says as he walks with Bruce out of the lab.

"Sure Tony. You might want to clean up your face before you head to the briefing room." Bruce says and Tony nods, heading off to the bathroom.

When Bruce entered the briefing room, he saw everyone else there, including Fury.

"Where's Stark?" Fury asked, crossing his arms.

"Probably thinks he's too good for the briefing as aways." Steve grumbled.

"For the record Steve, he's gone to clean his face. Another small explosion in the lab." Bruce says as he sits down.

Tony soon came in and sat down next to Bruce and Clint.

"Now that everyone's here, AIM have decided to cause havoc. You'll be heading out to take them down." Fury says.

The team all nod and they get suited up.

---Time Skip---

The mission was going well so far. No innocent casualties had occurred so far and the Avengers were winning. They weren't sure exactly what AIM's motives were this time. But they definitely weren't good. They even had robots this time, similar to Dr Doom's MO.

"Cap, you've got incoming on your six. Two bots." Tony says as he flies around the city, being chased by at least ten of the robots.

"And so do you Tony." Clint says as he fires some arrows at the robots chasing Tony.

"I knew that. I'm just figuring out the best way to deal with them. I'm also looking for the one that will shut down them all. There's always one when it comes to it." Tony says as they continued to chase him.

Mechanical Genius (Revamped) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt