Chapter 2

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"How far along are we with the process? We don't have a lot of time left. His heart rate is decreasing." The scientist says as he looks over at the others.

"We're at 75% completion on the upload. It will finish just before Stark passes." Another scientist says.

"Good. If the avengers decide to attack, they will not be able to reverse it." The scientist says with a smirk on his face.

"Was the body ready for the transfer? Are we able to control it?" A scientist asked one of the technicians.

"Yes. It is finished and it can be controlled. But he also mostly has free will." The technician says.

"That'll do. We can use the controlling if he decides to be a smart ass." The scientist says.

There was an alarm that started blaring through the AIM base.

"Sir. The quin jet is approaching." An agent that had walked in said.

"We do not want them to take all our hard work away from us! Stall them for as long as you can so we can get Stark out of here once he's uploaded!" The scientist snaps.

The agent nodded and headed out of the lab, getting ready to fight off the avengers long enough for them to keep Tony in their possession.

The Avengers had managed to track down the base where Tony had been taken. They had a plan. But it was going to be difficult to carry out with being one member down. Especially since AIM bases were known for their technology and they didn't have their engineer.

"Alright. We're one member down but we're going to have to make do." Steve said to the rest of the team.

"Natasha, Clint, you're going to be the ones looking for Tony as the rest of us cause the distraction." Steve said and both of them nodded.

As the jet landed, they all prepared their gear ready to infiltrate the base. The doors of the jet opened up and they ran out. Steve, Thor and Hulk caused a distraction as Nat and Clint snuck inside the building.

"I don't know where they would have taken him. They would more likely to take him to labs and make him work than a cell. But we should check them as well." Natasha says and Clint nodded at that.

"You check normal labs and a few cells, I'll do robotics labs and the rest of the cells." Clint says and Natahsa agrees with that.

Natasha searched the many different normal labs and some of the cells, not being able to find him.

Clint searched robotics labs. He had only searched a few of them where he found one with a scientist hunched over a computer and Tony strapped down to a table. He snuck up behind the scientist and whacked them over the head with his bow, knocking them out.

"Upload complete. Will open stasis pod shortly." A computer voice said.

Clint looked at Tony and saw the heart monitor that they had attached to him flat line. His eyes widened and he rushed over to Tony's body.

"Guys. I have some horrible news. Tony's dead. He's bled out from an incredibly bad wound in his abdomen." Clint says over the coms as he checks Tony over to see if there was anything else.

"They let their only leverage and most useful prisoner die? That doesn't sound right." Steve says over coms.

"Well, I'm staring at a heart monitor that says otherwise." Clint says.

"Quit joking Clint. This is not the time." Steve says, getting rather angry now.

Clint just rolls his eyes and takes out his coms. He was not listening to Steve after that. He jumped a little and pulled his bow and arrow when he heard something open. He pointed it at the stasis pod that had opened up and tilted his head, slightly confused. He looked back at Tony and saw the machine that was attached to his head. He followed the wire and saw that it was attached to the stasis pod. He slowly walked over to the open doors and his eyes widened.

There was an android body inside of the pod, which wasn't the thing that bothered him. What did was that it was an exact synthetic replica of Tony. It was like they prepared it for Tony.

He carefully detached wires off the body and was about to pull it out when he heard a gun click.

"Step away from my hard work Hawkeye." He heard someone say and he freezes.

Clint slowly put his hands up and turned around to face the scientist that was holding the gun on him. He could see Natahsa behind the scientist but didn't say anything about it since he knew she was waiting for the scientist to spill on information. However, since Clint had removed the wires that were holding the android, the body slumped over and fell against the ground. The scientist growled a little.

"This is why you shouldn't handle things. You damage them." The scientist says.

"What have you done to Stark?" Clint asked, still keeping his hands up.

"Well, our intention wasn't to kill him but he just had to go and get stabbed. It was my idea to put his conscious into that android that you've potentially damaged." The scientist says and then just rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to kill you now. I can't have you telling your friends." The scientist says as he's about to pull the trigger.

Natahsa was quick to jump onto the scientist and choke him out until he passed out.

Clint went over to the android body and went to lift it up, expecting it to be rather heavy. He was surprised to find how light it was. He carried the android on his back. He nodded at Natahsa and she nodded back as they both headed out towards the Quinjet. Natahsa covered him since he was carrying the android. They soon got onto the Quinjet and Clint placed the android onto the seat. The others soon joined them on the Quinjet and Bruce sat in the driver's seat, the Quinjet taking off.

"Why did you bring that android onto the jet?" Steve asked as he crossed his arms, looking at Clint.

"Can't you guess why? I wasn't joking when I said that Tony died. His conscious was uploaded into that android." Clint says.

"What happens if that is not the case? What happens if they use this to take us down?" Steve questioned.

Clint really wanted to strangle Steve at this point.

"It is Tony. I know it is and so does Natasha." Clint says

"Power on." A voice says from the android while the others continued to argue with each other.

Everyone other than Bruce turned to the android. They watched as the joints began to move and the eyes of the android slowly opened. It looked around at the others.

"Nice to see I didn't die and you all cared to come and rescue me. Wait, why do I sound like Jarvis now?" The android questioned.

Clint sighed a little in relief. He knew definitely that this was Tony and that Steve wouldn't throw the android off the Quinjet now, like he said he would.

"Tony. Maybe take a look at yourself." Bruce suggests as he focuses on driving.

Tony rolled his eyes at that but did look at his hands, tilting his head a little. He then looked at his legs and then the rest of his body.

"Uh....Am I high on something or is this real?" Tony asked, his voice becoming more panicked.

"I'm afraid it's real Tony. You're now an android." Natahsa says, Tony's eyes widening.

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