Chapter 3

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"Oh my God! I was fine a second ago! Maybe not fine. Sort of bleeding out while strapped up to a table. But this shouldn't have happened!" Tony shouts as he wraps his arms around himself.

He definitely wasn't taking the news well. He could feel his anxiety spiking. Well, whatever it did now that he was an android.

"Tony, you need to calm down. We have no idea what's happening to your new body when you panic." Clint says, sitting down next to Tony and running a hand over his back gently.

Tony hugged himself more and rocked a little on his seat. It wasn't like he could just take deep breaths to calm down anymore. He needed to find new ways of calming down now.

"Quit overreacting Stark. I bet you were planning to do this anyway." Steve says as he looks at Tony.

Tony just stared at Steve in utter disbelief.

"No. I wasn't planning on doing this any time soon." Tony states with a slight glare. "I was planning on uploading myself as an AI when it was an end of the world situation or I was getting old. But not this!" Tony snaps as he stands up from his seat.

His footing definitely wasn't steady since he wasn't used to his new body. So he ended up falling back on his seat. Steve rolled his eyes at Tony's reaction to what he said.

"So you were planning on doing something similar anyway? You shouldn't be overreacting then!" Steve snaps at Tony.

"Rogers stop it! He obviously wasn't planning on doing this to himself yet!" Natahsa says and clips Steve around the back of the head.

Steve frowned and rubbed the back of his head while Clint comforted Tony with Thor.

"There will be a meeting after this with Director Fury when we get back." Steve says.

"I'm not going. He's not getting to know before Pepper, Rhodey or the kid." Tony says, crossing his arms and glaring a little at Steve.

"He has to know Tony. He's going to want a meeting as soon as we get back." Steve argues.

"I. Don't. Care. He doesn't get to know first." Tony says and glares at him.

"You don't have a choice Tony!" Steve snapped and Tony managed to stand back up.

"Yes I do! Don't you d-dare control me R-rogers!" Tony shouted, his voice struggling at the volume it now was.

"Calm down both of you! We do not need you two to have a fight again!" Clint shouts.

Something in Tony caused him to freeze up. His eyes flickered from the glowing blue that they were to a deep red colour.

"Uh. Tony? Are you alright?" Natasha asked and was about to put her hand on his shoulder

Tony ended up marching over to Steve, very much robot like and he full on sucker punched Steve in the face. Clint had to hold back a laugh, Natahsa was a little taken aback, and Steve was angrier than before.

"What the fu-" Steve was cut off from his angry tirade when Tony punched him again.

He just continued to punch Steve, mostly aiming for the face.

"Tony! Stop it!" Natasha shouts and Tony suddenly stops.

Tony's eyes turned back to the blue that they were before and looked down at Steve that was now on the ground. He did end up stumbling back to his seat since he wasn't stable on his legs himself.

Steve had a black eye now as well as a split lip.

"What the hell Stark?!" Steve snapped but Tony seemed confused.

"Uh. I blacked out for a minute." Tony says.

"You mean to say that you have no recollection of punching Steve just now?" Clint questioned.

"No." Tony says. "I don't remember doing that."

"What was the last word you heard Tony?" Bruce asked from the pilot seat.

Tony thought about it and his eyes widened a little.

"They programmed me to words. They must've. F I G H T is one of them but I doubt its the only one." Tony says as he began thinking.

"Are you making excuses Stark?" Steve asked and Tony shook his head.

"And risk decommissioning myself? No. I know not to get into physical fights with you." Tony says as he looks at Steve.

"Is there any way we could figure out the other words?" Clint asked.

"Jarvis is our safest bet. He can get into my new code without destroying any-" Tony suddenly cuts off and slumps forward.

Clint's eyes widened and he lifted Tony back up so he could see his face. The eyes were closed and were no longer glowing.

"Low battery." A voice from Tony said and the android shuts down completely, going fully limp.

"Right. First order of business when we get back is to find Tony a power source so he can at least stay active." Clint says.

"No. The mee-" Steve is cut off.

"Tony is a member of the team and he is not being excluded from the meeting just because of this so it is a power source we're looking for first." Natahsa says.

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