Chapter 1;

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Hitting the floor after rolling around and then off your bed is not the best way to wake up. It really isn't; and I don't recommend doing it. Especially if you have or need glasses because you have poor eyesight; like my little sorry ass. Speaking of my little sorry ass, it fucking hurts from hitting the floor. Even though I got some junk in my trunk; that doesn't mean it's properly cushioned.

Groaning as I sit up from my position on the cold hardwood floor, immediately looking around for the device that goes tick-tock and tells the time somehow.

Spying it after half a minute, I groaned at blurry numbers there; only to rub my eyes and squeak in fear at the official time. No way! I have 25 minutes to get to school!?!? Really?!?

Whining, I scrambled up from my position on the ground and rushed down stairs. I put in a few pieces of toast in the toaster and set it to start, before I ran upstairs again and took a quick five minute shower.

There's something I forgot to mention. Let me tell you who and what I am.

Hi, my name is Eren, Eren Jaeger. I live in California. I'm from Germany. I have two different color eyes. One of them is a gorgeous viridian green color that everyone says resembles the ocean; while the other one is a beautiful honey brown golden color; always compared to the color of a sunset in the Fall. There's also a few more things you should know about me.

I'm what you call an Androgynous. I am neither female, nor am I male. In my case though, I see myself as a male; considering the fact I have what all men have; a penis. Even though I have one, I was actually originally born with both sexual organs. My mom chose me to be male. I don't hate her for it; I actually am grateful. I don't have to bleed every fucking month.

Now, you may be wondering; so am I naturally female or male? I'm male. I have all of the male functions; except for my vocal cords, and my body structure. I have female hips, and I have a soft feminine face. I don't grow facial hair, and I have a high-pitched voice that is still classified as male.

If people were to look at me; they would call me a pretty boy. I'm fine with that. What I'm not okay with is them making fun of my sexual orientation. So what if I'm Pansexual? So what if I prefer male bodies over females? So fucking what? I'm not any different then you. I just have my own tastes.

Anyways, sorry to blabber on there! As I was saying! I'm Eren and I go to Titan HighSchool. In California, I live in the weird city of Three Goddesses, which is stupidly the theme of everything named here; almost. Don't ask. Please. I don't know the answer as to why. I'm just a highschooler! Speaking of, As I said; I'm from Germany. I just moved here and am now attending Titan high for the first time ever Today. I know only a few people here because they were our foreign exchange students. Armin, Mikasa, and their group. I met all of them. Now, I'm here and I am ready to start a new page. I just don't know what to expect.

So, while I was explaining, so things weren't as confusing, I had gotten dressed and ate my toast. At the current moment, an apple sits in my hand as I run to the school with my backpack on my shoulder. As I'm reaching the school, I can already tell that in going to be the outcast; because as soon as I stepped onto the grounds, all eyes were on me. Of course; Its the first day. How am I suppose to know any better? I don't.

Going up to the first person I recognize, I wave at them a they wave back, but I'm stopped short by a sudden grab of my new jacket and I'm thrown down into the ground. I don't see who it is, but I wouldn't be able to anyway because all I feel is a kick to my stomach that reminds me of Germany, and a few words in my ear, before I'm out for the count. I never knew that there was a big fight with the guy who beat me up and made everyone aware I was gay the first day of school; and my friends of course, this was when I was 15 years old; and a freshman.

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