Chapter 2 - Part 5

Start from the beginning

It was apparent that Lady Arleita had discovered something beyond their record and she was trying to use it as leverage.

But at the same time, she did not explicitly say what dirt she had on them, which meant it is nothing acquitting yet. Still, Lilith was definitely keeping note of her, to investigate what she knew and if needed, ending her accordingly.

That is if they could pull it off should they go for the second option.

Magic jammer, commonly used magitech security system that suppresses mana circulation within its area of activation, effectively stops any attempt of espionage through magic or magitech tools.

This tool brings a side effect however, as it also suppresses the mana circulation of all individuals in the area and weakens them, physically and magically. It took her a couple minutes to steady herself when it was activated.

However, Lady Arleita was barely affected by the jammer, in fact, she was not bothered even a bit. It was evident she was not one that could be easily trifled with, the same could be said to that Lucas guy by her side.

If worst comes to worst, she would have to make a run for it, not the ideal plan however. Vibey was bedridden and all of them were in no shape to fight at full strength.

"East Ezteban should be pretty warm around this year." she pondered.

As she reached the end intersection of the market district, she directed her legs to the left corner, where the workshop sector was supposed to be in accordance with the district map.

True enough, a number of large warehouses lined up the large road, bands of wagons were seen back and forth as multiple chimneys coloured the sky grey with the craftsmen inside working their arts.

Going through the warehouses, her eyes scanned through the rooftops, searching for one with the most chimneys as it usually denotes a forge.

A few warehouses passed, her senses picked up some familiar smell and sound, the stifling smog produced by burning coal, alongside the harmonious clangs only hammer and anvil could produce, the forge.

"Good afternoon, is the master here? I would like to rent a station." Entering the workshop, Lilith asked the first craftsman she saw near the entrance.

"Sure do missy,


The guy shouted loudly into the workshop, shortly after, a scruffy voice shouted back


"Go right in missy," hearing the response, the man gestured his thumb to the back of the workshop, directing Lilith where she needed to go.

"Thank you sir" with a slight bow, Lilith thanked the craftsman before strutting into the inner workshop.

Lined across the walls, furnaces of various shapes and styles decorated the facade complete with smithing tools cluttering the floor near it. Additionally, there was always at least one craftsman manning each furnace, working on each of their own pieces.

After passing a few stations, Lilith saw a large stocky man standing at the edge of the room, his hands resting on his bulging hips which emphasised the assortment of smithing tools dangling from his belt.

"Renting a station missy?" The large man started the conversation as Lilith walked near.

"Are you the master of the forge?" Lilith replied.

"Sure do, and please just call me boss. Anything specific for the forge or yer good with just any?" The man took off his soot-covered glove and extended his hand forward.

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