Chapter 1 - Part 3

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Part 3-Third floor

Two tower shields in both hands, D lifted his arms with ease. His strength is one of his best points, second only to his constitution. With his towering figure, it can be hard to believe he is the middle son between his two sisters.

With the enemies struggling to advance against his shields, both Lillith and Vibey could quickly re-assess their situation. Lilith's plan of escaping has changed, she considered pushing deeper.

The current labyrinth, The Beginner's Cave, is located between the border of two cities. Generally considered the safe zone and to avoid inciting any tension, no officials had been posted near the region for years until the recent incidents. Though they were posted too far away from the dungeon they might as well be guarding their own city gates.

Her initial plan was to force their way up ground while creating as much ruckus as possible. This would hopefully help the three of them to regroup at the dungeon entrance, then decide either to retreat or re-enter.

Now that D was by their side, they could plan their next step right away.

"With D here, we can take the risk. We have enough power to push and escaping now means the possibility of monsters following us out of the labyrinth.

It feels great that we need not rely on the city guards to get us out of this mess, but we can't exactly leave things as it is.

Either we stop whatever is happening, or we endanger the surrounding villages; We change lanes and move deeper.

D, hold them off and push forward,

Vibey, keep the rest off our backs and wait for my cue."

With a nod, D made a quick shove and toppled the giants off balance. He then rotated his position to the other lane, ready to clash with another batch of large monsters.

With their tank taking the aggro, Vibey waited for her cue while Lillith analysed the monsters' mana signatures.

"First monster, right side of its neck; Second one top left shoulder; third one, gouges its stomach."

With Lillith's cue, Vibey rushed forward, with D's head as her stepping stone, one quick jump and she landed on top of the cyclops that swatted her.

A swift stab to its neck, the cyclops groaned in pain and slowly lost its form. While the lump was melting itself away, Vibey got the chance to recover her sword.

With the first down, D pushed his shields forward to the second one, a humanoid giant, yet nothing of its shape could be considered human nor giant. A hard bash to its left knee worked great in falling the giant all the same.

The monster down on its knees, Vibey found her momentum and continued to her next target. A wide slash to its shoulder chunked a large piece of flesh off, alongside the large mana stone, sliced clean in the process.

D moved forward again, making his way to hold the third one in line, a big troll. Before Vibey could continue however, the giants on the other side had recovered their footing and began moving forward.

"Give me 20 more seconds!" Lillith shouts, Vibey immediately retreats to the other lane and faces the other giants.

Unlike her previous encounter, Vibey played her cards defensively this time. No deep stabs, but small slashes and careful footwork allowed her to manoeuvre through its attacks.

"Get back!" Lillith had finished channelling and her siblings retreated to the other lane. Thick layered stone walls locked the giants on the other side, this should take a long time for them to dig through as they push in deeper into the dungeon.

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