Chapter 2 - Part 1

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Chapter 2 - Dwelrune

Part 1-Back to Dwelrune

The tree leaves fluttered against the passing breeze, each blow from the wind rustled the grass floor that surrounded the dungeon entrance. A gravel path marked the way to the outer woods.

Stepping out from the dungeon entrance, Lilith gave a quick glance at the cave opening.

A decent sized hill covered in young moss and a few signs, filled with notices, information, and advertisements for the up and coming adventurers.

They were informed of how bustling the entrance to this dungeon used to be, with various stalls and traders setting up their stalls right around the entrance, hoping to strike business and connection opportunities with promising young adventurers. Various sign posts and banners still remained to decorate the empty entrance.

The biggest one nailed right on top of the entrance, "Beginner's Cave"

One of the most prominent dungeons for residents of Ezteban kingdom wishing to start their career in fame and fortune.

Yet, what they witnessed and fought just hours ago did not represent 'Beginner' nor 'Cave'.

Treading the dry rocky path, the two of them strided at a hasty pace. As they walked closer to exiting the woods, they heard chatters in the distance.

At the corner of the path, a few lightly armoured individuals were setting up a small camp not too far from the gravel path. At the camp, they also saw a military banner standing amidst a few crates and tents. A couple of soldiers were stationed at the side of the path leading to the camp.

They have seen none of these when they were on their way to the dungeon, not to mention how both cities were very adamant to not get close to the dungeon in fear of provoking the dungeon inhabitants, this camp was definitely set up just today.

Right when the three of them were passing by, a hoarse voice suddenly called out to them.

The soldier was tall and quite well-built, full clad in military infantry garments. Though Lilith could tell from the shine, the armour qualities were better than the actual military standard.

As the posturing figure walked closer, a few soldiers followed not too far behind, armour-clad just like the one at the front.

"Hail, adventurers, present your papers and purpose"

Commandingly, the tall soldier requested for their identification, possibly the camp commander.

Adventurers are bound to multiple policies and regulations upon registry, all in the interest of the safety of the guild, public, and the adventurers' own being.

One of those policies is regarding transparency between adventurers and constables, to avoid any conflict of interest between the guild and the officials.

Though, it is apparent that this policy exists just to ease the ongoing tension between the two factions. In most cases, the guild is the side that has to spill out what they have while the officials keep their holes shut in 'public interest'.

Moreover, there was something very shifty about the situation; no clear identification on the banner nor family or city crest to identify the soldiers; though they did not really have time to question much.

Carefully, Lilith removed each one of their dog tags, and then grabbed the quest paper from her bag.

"Good evening sir, my name is Lilith and our party has just returned from the Beginner's Cave, we were tasked to recon and seek out missing individuals." Lilith proclaimed as she handed over the identifications.

One of the soldiers at the back came forward holding a small metal slab, the adventurer's guild insignia was scribed on the side; a tool circulated by the guild to identify adventurers.

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