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i enjoy watching you laugh,
it's my serotonin booster.

—— ✉️

mingyu and wonwoo,
wonwoo and mingyu.
the two were inseparable ever since they had remade their friendship— and you could never mention wonwoo without mingyu in the conversation and vice versa.

younghee would like to differ because it seemed like wonwoo was falling back in love with the so-called considered straight.
"won, hey buddy," she tried to call out but was completely ignored by the daydreaming wonwoo who was idiotically smiling at memories of mingyu being a clumsy puppy.
"yo wonwoo," the best friend tried again but failed miserably.

younghee sighed before thinking of an excellent plan, "oh hey, is that mingyu?" she pointed to the far exit of the cafeteria and wonwoo turned his head to the direction with the words leaving his mouth, "where?"
oh my wonwoo, you gotta be fucking with me right now.

"really wonwoo? really?" younghee stated, crossing her arms and leaning onto the plastic chair as the two sat quietly in the cafeteria of the university they were painfully attending.
"what? he's our friend—"
"sure, what happened to the 'i will not fall for mingyu again.' promise?" the girl pointed out, her eyes staring at the glasses boy with emotions wonwoo didn't know how to explain or describe.

disappointment, but mixed with worry— people always confused disappointment with anger but it was felt more painful to know it wasn't anger but disappointment.

"look— i know but anyone would fall back in love with mingyu even if they fall out of love with him—"
"that anyone being you right?"
"what no!" wonwoo tried to use deny, it did not affect the all seeing eye, younghee.
"stop lying!"
"i'm not lying!"
"lying's bad for everyone bookworm wonwoo~!" she sang— shutting her ears with her hands as if she was refusing to hear what wonwoo protested.

• • •

mingyu watched the two best friends bicker from the soccer field— having agreed to a quick game with junhui and seungcheol but was visibly distracted when he saw wonwoo sitting in the cafeteria (it was nearby the soccer field) with younghee.
"yoo mingyu!" junhui called out only to be shushed by seungcheol.

"idiot, look at where he's looking!"

i forgot what serotonin meant so i asked google and found myself in the study of biochemistry— all from the need of what serotonin meant😭

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