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why are you being kind to me again?
why didn't you just let me take it?
be mad at me— punch me— scold me—
fuck, just rage at me like how a couple would fight.

— ✉️

before the shiny metal could slice or touch the tan skin of mingyu's— wonwoo yelled out, "watch out!" and immediately knocked mingyu out of the way from the knife.

"oh my god! wonwoo are you okay?!" younghee immediately asked as she easily dodged the sharp metal with a kick to the handle— making the sharp object hit the floor with a clang as the person with the very concealed mask gasped.
she was trained by her taekwondo father for self-protection and it always came in handy in situations like these.

wonwoo nodded as he looked over to the taller who was still in daze on the floor— "mingyu, are you okay?" he asked softly.
though, mingyu had hurt wonwoo's heart— wonwoo still cared for him a lot— hence why he managed to convince younghee to not kick mingyu's shin once they first saw him stalking them behind a tree during their weekly hangout last three months ago.

"i should be the one asking you that.. are you okay?"
"i'm fine mingyu," the older quickly responded, eyes trailing the faint scars on mingyu's palms as if he was losing focus on slicing vegetables in the kitchen multiple times. some even looked newly healed from two weeks ago.

"oh my gosh, i get that you guys are love birds but now is not the time to act all couple-y, those stupid bullies never leave you alone until they make sure you die don't they?" younghee stated as she helped wonwoo up but never extended her hand to mingyu as she was still pissed at mingyu for being so stubborn with her.

her hair wasn't long anymore, it was cut and shoulder length. her ashy color dyed to a dark purple as the sun shaded the pretty colors.
the girl faced the three bullies who cursed once they saw their knife taken to the ground— the guards finally registering the situation and quickly escorted the three out the door for scolding and a possible call to the police station.

"are you okay younghee..?"
"ask me a question and i'll make sure your next generation of kids will be long gone." younghee threatened as wonwoo rolled his eyes at the girl's threat— despite how scary his best friend sounded, he knew she would never unless you pressed on the wrong buttons.

and mingyu did press the wrong buttons— multiple wrong buttons.

"sorry about her, she's just still pissed." wonwoo spoke, feeling awkward with the situation between all of them.
"no, it's okay— i kinda deserve it anyway." which made wonwoo smile— making younghee eye mingyu suspiciously.

i might not seem like it—
but i really like your smile.

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