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everyone in the world hates me because i'm being who i am.


there was something in wonwoo's throat that covered his will to speak as he angrily— more like sadly plucked the pretty flower petals that grew and colored in a pretty white. he sucked up a huff of air— a large amount that nearly made him choke on air instead of his sobs— the tears that dropped on his pants and stained them with watermarks as the rain dropped like pattering sounds of slow rain hitting the ground; a soft sound only creatures with high hearing could only hear the soft patter.

that only wonwoo could hear as well as he was engulfed with sadness.

who knew falling for a heterosexual man that switched a full one-eighty once he found out his best friend was a homosexual man with a crush on him?
who knew these words of anger and disgust could break and shatter wonwoo's heart more than a gunshot to his head.

he plucked and plucked, allowing the thorns of the rose to poke and create holes on his skins as the palm of his hand bled with a deep red. the rain that slowly fell onto wonwoo's hair and clothes mixed with the crimson color substance and soon turned an translucent red that rolled off his arms with a translucent red streak that only followed the flow of water to the wooden bench below him.
he was alone.

just like the beginning.
just like the start of his life.
he was alone.

because words hurt him and not actions.
he yearned for warmth but never got any.
he allowed himself to be engulfed with sadness as he sobbed, he didn't care or give a fuck about his glasses that were drenched in water— all he wanted to do was scream- shout and cry right now.

he didn't care.
he just cried.

heavy, and he felt like hiding.
words hurt him, but did physical pain hurt him?
no, he grew numb.

i wanna tell you guys about how words will hurt more than the actions that inflect permanent scars on your body.
words cut through your flesh from the inside— making you bleed.

most of your pain will come from the heart when the words stab you.
trust me; nothing hurts more than words.

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