"..you aren't all that either, idiot." Sasuke muttered as he stared deep into the bluest eyes that he has ever seen.

"Who are you calling an idiot? Bastard."
Naruto glared at him, getting kind of pissed at the boy next to him.

"You, idiot. Who else?"

"You wanna fight, pretty boy?"

"I don't fight idiots."

"You asshole, I'mma-"

Kakashi rolled his eyes hearing the two once again. "Quit it." He said loud and stern. "And Naruto, pay attention, you and I both know you need to because of how low your grades are in this class."

"Told you you were an idiot." The raven smirked.

"Shut. up!" Naruto yelled.

"Thats it. Both of you stay after class. I'd like to discuss the punishment for you two." Hearing that, they both groaned loudly but decided to stop talking though they still made faces at eachother when he wasn't looking.


"You're going to tutor him."

"What?" The Uchiha gritted his teeth.


"Well Narutos grades are low, he needs help with this class, and considering the fact that you both love to interrupt my class to fight, this would be the perfect punishment. It would benefit both of you to learn how to get along."

"You're not kids anymore and these fights often get out of hand. You should try to be friends."

They rolled their eyes at the last statement.

'Suree he's a little bright... about as bright as a fuckin' raincloud.' Naruto thought.

" As if." Naruto grumbled.

"Its easy, just kiss and make up." Kakashi joked.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Hilarious."

"Just get out of my class. You both better learn to tolerate each other or else I'll fail you both in my class, got that?"

"Whatever." They grumbled crossing their arms.

Both walking out the classroom, Naruto slapped his hand on the Uchihas forehead. Sasuke glared at him.

"Theres my number asshole, text me when your free." He said as he watched Sasuke glare at him and take the the sticky note off his forehead.


They both didn't like the situation they were put in. Naruto hated him because he treats everyone like they're his toys. That's a fact. He's awfully good at putting on a fake face so he could get what he wanted from people but he knew they only liked him because he was pretty, he was something nice to look at. Though he hated to admit it, the bastard was a good looking guy, but that never stopped him from punching him whenever he deserved it.

Sasuke hated how he acted like he knew everything about him, how he was able to enjoy his life to the fullest. How genuine he seemed but only because he lacked that. Naruto was the type who always loved too fast and got attached but Sasuke liked to play with peoples feelings to heal his own.

Though that was how the two viewed eachother, it was just their perspectives reading it wrong. Ladies and gentlemen, the message to be taken from all of this is quite simple. What appears to be a stuck up bastard, may not really be so. What appears to be a cool confident extrovert, may not really be so. What appears to be a natural sincere person,
may really just be a mask.

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