'I personally would like to give this person a chance, and I'm hoping he would too.'

Everyone else is still looking at Charlie, thinking it was going to be him.

But I knew her better than that.

My little shit stirrer.

'Therefore, the boy I want to couple up with is....Davide.'

I grin into Ikenna's shoulder as a couple of people gasp in shock.


And at least this time I'd be here to keep them both in fucking line and not let shit hit the fan like the last time the two chaotic idiots gave it a go.

Antigoni did not look happy.

But she had no idea what was gonna happen next.

'I've decided, I would like to couple up with this boy because he's quite easy on the eye and is really attractive. I feel like his personality is quite endearing, and I don't feel like we've had too many conversations so I'm intrigued to know a little bit more about him. Even if nothing comes from this romantically, I think a great friendship could be formed.' Danica starts and I widen my eyes.

Girl had already friend zoned whoever she was gonna choose lol.

'Thank fuck that's not me anymore.' Ikenna chuckles quietly and I have to cover my mouth to stop a laugh escaping.

I really was starting to rub off on him hehe.

'I think he shows and resembles qualities that I would look for on the outside, so the boy I would like to couple up with is....'

I think we all thought it was going to be Charlie. For the second time everyone was looking at him.

The poor guy.


My eyes widen as I purse my lips, watching Antigoni as Jay makes his way over to Danica.

Good on her to be honest, if she couldn't see things going anywhere with Charlie then she needed to give Jay a go.

At least Antigoni had admitted she quite liked Charlie, so she could still happily be coupled up with him and get to know Jay some more at the same time.

But as I see her whisper, 'I can't believe this shit.'

I take it she's not a happy bunny.

She stands up, and I mentally prepare myself for a muggy Mike situation.

Leaning back with a small smile as I watch between Danica, Antigoni, Jay and Charlie.

'We arrived in the villa on the same day, so I feel like we've kind of been in on this experience together. I've been fortunate enough that there's some amazing, really genuine people here who've welcomed me into the fold and made us both feel very at home.'

Uh oh. I didn't like where she chose to add the emphasis there.

I think she might've thought that she ate, but it just sounded petty and a bit whiny to be honest.

'So the boy I want to couple up with is, Charlie.'

Was that it?

That was boring as fuck.

I deflate a little as they sit down, Ikenna prodding me in the side and whispering.

'Stop looking so disappointed.' He chuckled at me and I sighed, pouting as I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

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