• Nine •

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♡ Guide Me ♡

Coraline sprinted through the halls, her pace matching that of her racing heart as she finally reached the stairs that led directly up to the roof of the Opera house. She breathed heavily, holding her dress up as she pushed her open palm to the door and stepped out into the chilly night.

She inhaled deeply while closing her eyes and willing her emotions to calm. It's almost overwhelming, especially with the knowledge that he would soon be up here with her.

She didn't know how to think or feel; on one hand, Erik had kept good to his promise and not killed Buquet like she assumed he normally would. Instead, he had hung his unconscious body upside down for all those in the audience and upon the stage to see. In fact, everyone present had even heard the defeaning spine chilling snap of Buquet's leg breaking from the force and height from which he dropped.

The screams and terror that followed replayed over and over in her tired mind as though to serve as a reminder of what Erik could truly be capable of if left to his own devices.

She sighed softly while blinking away the tears stinging her eyes. This is not how tonight was supposed to go. She looked down, staring at the concrete below her boots with sadness in her eyes and conflict in her heart.

Then, as expected, she felt his presence behind her and his deep stormy yellow eyes burning into her back intently. His hand lifted, brushing her shoulder just long enough for her to shake away his touch and hiss a simple demand.

"Don't touch me,"

Erik faltered with a hurt expression twisting on his handsome half hidden face. He shrunk back, placing space between them as though her words had stung him physically and emotionally - which truthfully, the latter had been. He dipped his head thoughtfully while clutching the rose in his hand tighter, clinging to it.

"I am sorry," he murmured lowly while swallowing back his pride. If an apology was what it took to win her favour again, then an apology she would have.

"For which part, Erik?" she turned sharply, almost glaring at him with a fire in her bright emerald eyes.

Erik paused, thinking the answer over before he stood tall once more, his previous calm composure regained. "None of it," he admits honestly, "That nosy sod had it coming, and as for Carlotta, well--, she needed to be taught a lesson." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"You left him unconscious and swung him upside down; breaking his leg in the process!" Coraline stared him down incredulously. "You keep pushing people, and eventually, they are going to catch up to you. I just know it." she huffs with concern momentarily showing in her expression long enough for Erik to see.

"They haven't found me yet," he took a step towards her, hoping to be nearer to her, but to his dismay, she shook her head and took one back.

"Key word being yet."

"You are making this far more than it truly is," he scoffs while waving a hand. "I am the Phantom of the Opera, Coraline. I have a reputation to keep and standards to uphold. Sometimes I have to get my hands dirty, but that is my business and mine alone." he tells her firmly, his eyes finally holding her own for longer than a few short seconds.

Coraline frowned as she stared up at the man she had once called her angel. Her heart twisted painfully at his words because he was her business. She wanted him to be a part of her life. He was her friend and angel; her tutor and comfort. He was her Phantom, her Erik. His safety and the actions that jeopardised it were her business because she cared for him.

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