• Eight •

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♡ The Swinger and The Toad ♡

Erik had seen and heard it all before; the crew complaining, Carlotta shrieking, and his sweet Coraline forced to stay silent in the background. He rolled his gold tinted eyes while frowning deeply at yet another melody butchered by the insufferable cow stood centre stage.

He flicked his unimpressed gaze down to the audience, who sat mostly silent beneath him, watching the performance with actual enjoyment reflecting in their expressions. When they weren't being quiet, they were laughing; usually, when Piangi stepped on stage or Coraline did something suggestive and over the top as scripted.

Erik found it to be ridiculous that such dim-witted humour was considered to be entertainment. His dear Coraline was being humiliated on the stage, reduced to a silent raunchy character when they should have been drawing attention to her singing and dancing capabilities.

"Intolerable fools," he muttered angrily when he noticed the long-haired Vicomte git sat in his box - box five. "Can't even follow my simple instructions." he grumbles while turning and pushing his open palm against the door hidden well within the nearest wall, slipping through it.

He strides confidently down the narrow passageway with his cape billowing behind him. His gaze is hard and determined as he ascends the stairs up to the balcony above, his nostrils flaring. "No matter; lessons can be taught, even to uneducated buffoons." he scoffs, shaking his head as his annoyance grows, morphing like a dark cloud above him as he finally reaches his destination.

He steps out into the highest walkway within the large auditorium, staring down at Carlotta with pursed lips and distaste lingering on his tongue. She was a witch if he ever knew one; a vile, screeching witch worthy of nothing but misery and heartache.

He smirks at the thought, amused by the images of her suffering and wailing for support she would never receive. Then, with a deep breath and his head tilting back confidently, he opens his mouth. "I believe," he begins loudly, making sure to have his voice reach every corner without giving away his exact location. "I instructed for box five to be left empty for me." he raised his deep voice.

The moment he did, Meg Giry shrieked and rushed across the stage in a panic. "It's the Phantom of the Opera!" she exclaimed, causing the theatre to echo with a steady hum of hushed whispers paired with curious glances around. Even the managers - Firman and Andre - looked alarmed by his voice and Meg's words.

"Please, no!"

Her voice swept up in the acoustics, sounding far louder than Erik had thought she were capable of. He frowned as his gaze found her amongst the hags on stage, her eyes soft and worried as she shuffled awkwardly behind Carlotta. Guilt crept in, circling his heart long enough for him to sigh heavily and rethink his behaviour and plans for the night.

"Don't do -" Coraline is cut off, interrupted by the prima donna who rudely reaches out and tugs on her arm violently.

"You little toad, you are not supposed to speak!"

How dare she?! Erik growled with a new surge of fury and a desire to protect his sweet chèrie. He stepped an inch forward, his head tilted down to glare furiously at the repulsive crone who had just dared lay a finger on his angel. The unbearable cow that had just uttered an insult only she herself was worthy of.

"A toad, Madam?" his voice is low and sharp, an iciness to it. His fury raged within, aimed solely at Carlotta as she glanced around, strutting the stage as she did so. "It seems to me that you are the only toad on that stage."

Ma Chérie - Phantom of the Opera (OC)Where stories live. Discover now