• Seven •

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♡ Disappointment ♡

Coraline had tried to concentrate during her first dance rehearsal of the day with Madame Giry but no matter how hard she did so, her mind always strayed; drifting to thoughts of Erik and his secret cavern below the Opera house.

It seemed impossible to believe that he resided there undetected by the owners and authorities. Especially for so many years. She had to wonder just how life alone down in those dark depths had been for him and how it could have affected him emotionally and mentally.

It had to be tough.

"Mademoiselle, did you hear me?"

Her head tilts upwards, focusing her gaze on the short grey haired man staring at her expectantly with an exasperated look on his wrinkled face. She frowns and shakes her head, "My apologies, Monsieur. I was lost in my thoughts," she admits guiltily while clasping her hands together.

"Evidently," Andre muttered before sharing a look with Madame Giry.

"She is tired. She had a long night practising with her music teacher." Giry half lied while turning her attention onto Coraline with a look that expressed quite clearly that she knew just where the young woman had been the night prior and with who.

"Is this true?" Andre pressed with his fuzzy grey brows raising.

"Yes," Coraline confirms with a firm nod. "He is a man who takes music very seriously. Therefore, when he learnt of my new role in the play, he decided a last-minute lesson was required. Naturally, it ran through the night due to his exceptionally high standards." she explains with a smile that rises on her lips at the thought of her friend and tutor: Erik.

"Well, you can inform your mysterious tutor that those lessons will no longer be necessary." Andre mumbles shortly while glancing briefly to the pocket watch resting in his creased palm.

"What do you mean?" she steps forward as her heart rate picks up in pace, a bad feeling swirling in her stomach.

Was he about to rip away the dream he had granted her only the day before?

She hoped not.

"La Carlotta has returned to us," he explains simply while flicking his passive gaze up to lock with her saddened one. "Your services as prima donna are no longer required. We have decided that you would be better suited for non-speaking roles in future shows."

I should've known it was too good to be true. She sighs while running her fingers through her hair with frustration and genuine disappointment. Her dream had been brief and short lived; shattered by the intolerable woman whose singing ability matched that of a pig.

"You are changing my role to a non-speaking one?" she asks with a tremble to her fragile tone, her eyes clouded with many mixed emotions.

"Indeed." Firman chimes in to confirm, barely sparing her a glance as Madame Giry frowns while watching the two men with evident disapproval and distaste.

"Oh," she averts her gaze with a deepening frown as her hands brush along her dress, dusting it of the imaginary dirt she had convinced herself was coating it. "May I ask why?" she asks curiously, even with the sneaking suspicion that Carlotta alone had manipulated the two men into making such a decision.

"Truthfully, ah... well," Andre stumbles over his words, unsure how to explain their reasons for cutting her role so drastically. In fact, even Firman - who often acted as the pairs spokesperson - appeared shaken by the question, unable to form an answer worthy of being uttered to her.

"Or perhaps you'd rather explain why you have cut my role without having the respect nor gratitude to thank me for doing you a favour. After all, if I had not stepped in to cover for Carlotta, you'd have had no show to put on." her voice raises slightly as her disappointment shifts to annoyance.

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