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♡ Angel of Music ♡

The music echoed beautifully across the empty stage, enveloping Coraline as she moved in time with its tune. She spun with precision and poise; pointing her toes while arching her back elegantly to give off the illusion that she was a graceful angel sent from the heavens above.

Whereas in reality, her talent was due to hours of training each day. She practised her music and danced religiously, even when those far more talented than she herself would insist she take a day off for relaxation.

"Stop!" The familiar crack of a cane against the stage floor shattered through the music, silencing it in seconds.

Coraline frowned but did as told; standing still on the spot and straightening her posture with feigned confidence while her heart nervously raced within her chest. She looked ahead, afraid to meet those dark, almost black eyes in fear of seeing dissatisfaction.

"Again, from the top." Madame Giry instructed calmly, while her intense gaze burned into the side of Coraline's face enough to surge new determination through the young girl.

And so, the music began to play once more, and instinctively, the young woman moved with it, allowing it to lead her body and soul without thought nor hesitance. She leapt through the air, tilting her head up and pointing her arms and feet out in a well perfected grand jeté.

"That will be enough for today. You're dismissed."

Coraline dipped her head, again stilling on the spot and unable to ignore the worry and sudden self-doubt that twisted her insides relentlessly. Her delicate hand lifted to tuck the loose curl that had fallen in her face behind her ear; having come loose from her ponytail.

"Madame Giry?" her voice is soft, unsure even as she finally musters the courage to look up at her choreographer.

"Do look me in the eye, Coraline." the older woman instructs rigidly with a short shake of her head.

"Of course, Madame." The young woman forces her gaze up, meeting the intensity of the one that stares back at her as though scrutinising her soul. She wrings her hands together anxiously while resisting the urge to drop her head shyly and run away like she suddenly so desires. "I just wondered what it was about my performance that you found fault in. Was my timing off or -" her voice cuts out, faltered by the slightly wrinkled hand that is raised to stop her politely.

"Your timing was very much as perfect as it always is, Mademoiselle." Madame Giry assures with just the ghost of a smile passing by her thin lips. "My issue is with your lack of confidence."

"Confidence?" Coraline finds herself squeaking out with wide eyes, having never considered that to be the issue.

Ma Chérie - Phantom of the Opera (OC)Where stories live. Discover now