Epilogue IV (Jaune, Ruby and Summer): Settling scores

Start from the beginning

Issei: You bet, and we are with you, I have Absolute Pain and Liquid pain still with me...just let me know if you need one....

Asia: What are those?

Issei then explained them to the group what they are making them completely shiver in pure fear, these things are to be avoided, that is when Issei spoke

Issei: That is why I keep them in my sacred gear in a separate area completely safe and sound, I have some in my Squirt Gun and I can use it as a weapon as well.

Irina: These things, who even made these things....they are stronger than any corrosive material on earth.....I am glad that these things are away, speaking of which wouldn't Draigg and Belle be affected.

Xenovia: Indeed, even I am scared by them, they are powerful than many weapons...

Issei: Not at all, I have secured them under a massive cabinet which only I can open, and they are kept in glass bottles immune to their corrosive effects....

Draigg and Belle responded from the gear

Draigg: Indeed, partner made sure to make multiple locks so that only he can access them and nobody else!!

Belle: Yeah, even I could not break them, no matter how hard I tried!!

Issei: The reason is because these things are extremely dangerous if they fell into the wrong hands, especially Absolute Pain, and it was my mindscape that is why I was able to make the lock so strong!!

Everyone breathe a sigh of relief after that Miki brought in the food, which everyone ate, it would have been peaceful right? Wrong even here Ingvild and Rias had to fight....

Ingvild: Ise~ say aaahhhh

Issei opened his mouth and Ingvild fed him, which caused Rias to do the same as well

Rias: Ise, open your mouth....

Issei did the same, Akeno and the other girls did not want to be left out continued to do the same, Issei had a tough time keeping up with everyone doing this and struggled to keep up with it, this resulted in another cat fight, which caused many girls to be screaming each other recalling their past achievements with him, Issei was under pressure, while Jaune, Ruby and Summer only pitifully looked at him

Jaune: I pity him.....I am glad that I do not have an Harem....

Ruby: And don't even think about getting one, Jaune...

Ruby spoke with a sweet tone, making the blonde nod in fear

(A/N: Oh you have no idea Jaune, how many girls like you)

Summer: Anyways, we should get going, now girls stop fighting....or else it would not be nice....

Summer spoke with a sweet tone, making Issei, Ruby, Jaune and Ingvild shiver, Ingvild immediately stopped fighting, Rias tried to interject by saying...

Rias: But I-

Summer cuts her off and speaks

Summer: Now, Rias, you need to calm down, or I will inform Grayfia about this....now you don't want her to get angry do you?

Summer spoke with the same tone, making Rias stand down, the other girls also did stand down, including Akeno who tried to control the massive boner she was getting, that was when a magic circle opened up, revealing Azazel

Azazel: Ah it is good to see the house this lively early in the morning

Summer: Azazel, I take it that they are ready to come...

Issei's Dxd Adventure: Into the BackroomsWhere stories live. Discover now