34 Trust 101

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Max's POV

Waking up in fluffy softness felt really good. I knew my daddies were wrapped around me when I opened my eyes. I saw both pink and blue fur all over me. They must have shifted and then wrapped there tales around me again. I was warm and really didn't want to move. I was too comfortable to move. I yawned and closed my eyes hopping to go back to sleep for a little while longer.

I guess I did fall back asleep because the next thing I knew, I was being held by my daddy and he was sitting by the fire with me in his lap. I was curled up in a ball and there was blue and pink fur covering me like a blanket. I thought my daddies had used there tails to cover me. But when I lifted my head up to see what was happening around me everyone ood and awed at me. They said that I looked so cute as a puppy. That's when I tried to look at myself. I brought my hand up but all I saw was a paw. At first I thought they had dressed me in another costume, until I looked closer at the paw. It wasn't fake, it was a real paw. The blue and pink fur all around me was mine. I had shifted in to a puppy while I slept. The last time I had done something like this was what I first time I had gotten one of these suits, and that didn't end that well.

I started to panic a little but I kept it under control. I looked at my paw again and focused. I was turning my paw back in to a hand. In just a minute or two I would be back to human. But a hand started petting me, interrupting me from what I was doing. Daddy Husky looked down at me and said. "Can you stay our little puppy a little longer? Please? For me? I promise no one here would ever do anything to hurt you. You're safe here with us. You can relax here in my lap a little while longer until breakfast is ready. And then, if you want, you can change. But for now, please, stay my little puppy?" Then he started petting me again.

I looked at him. I looked real hard to see if there was anything that said he was not telling me the truth. I couldn't see any lie to him. I looked around at everyone else and all I saw was a bunch of grown men staring at something cute. And for once in my long, long life, that cute thing was me not in my human form. As a baby, a human baby, I guess I was cute. These were the looks I would get as a baby. But never had I gotten one of these looks when I wasn't human. I looked back at me daddy and nodded. Now that I was awake an new what shape I was in, I could shift real quick if I needed to. But for now, I was going to trust everyone and stay a puppy for now.

I laid back down and used my tail to cover my head. My nose and ears poked through the fur of my tail. I could smell, se, and hear everything around me but it felt like I was hiding and couldn't be seen. I felt better this way, I was not that comfortable being this helpless with this many people around me. I kept seeing people looking and smiling at me as my daddy petted me. He did make it easer for me to relax as he petted me.

In all the confusion of me waking up and finding out that I had shifted in my sleep I hadn't realized that it was my fur that was blue and pink. Not until now at least. I lifted my head and used my paws to flip my tail back and forth trying to understand why I was pink and blue. Then I remembered something from a long time ago. When a child first changes they sometimes take on the color of there parents. And because I thought of Husky and Wolf as my daddies, and there original colors were blue and pink, I was that color now. That means I really think of them as my family now. That means I can trust them. If it was my subconscious that changed me. Then I knew that these were my daddies and that they will protect me. I didn't have to do this stuff alone anymore. They would help me.

"It looks like your puppy figured something out and he's happy about it." Danual said. I looked at him and nodded with a bug toothy grin. "So, you going to tell us what you figured out?"

I shocked everyone when I opened my mussel and said clear as day and with out a problem. "I have two daddies that I love and that love me. I not a freak if I have two werewolves as daddies." Jaws dropped and people went slack in surprise. I looked around at everyone else then looked up at my daddy. "What? You didn't know you could talk in your dog form? Have you even tried yet?" I grinned. He sputtered but didn't or couldn't say anything. "I did say those callers were only until you got used to your new form didn't I?" I looked at everyone else and said. "You all can do it if you practice. You're not animals are you? Biological suits that add to you, not take away from you. They allow you to change your shape, not your mind. Come on people, I told you to play with your suits, have fun. Haven't you ever tried to talk to each other while you were out having fun?" I looked all around then shook my head. "Not having fun. Training to be covert. All of you worked alone before. And you thought you would be alone again didn't you. That's where I keep making my mistakes. I get it now."

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