18. Quiet time

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All day, after breakfast of corse, me, Husky, and Danual talked and walked. We went out to the garden and watched my little monsters fly everywhere. Then we walked in the woods. We came back for lunch and Danual said that it was nap time. I thought he meant that I had to go take a nap. But he actually meant it for him. He said I could take a nap if I wanted one. And he suggested that I take one. But he never said that I had to take one. He was giving me the choice and I was a little tired, so I was going to take one. I had been walking half the day. But what surprised me was when Husky decided to go with me upstairs and take a nap too.

After our nap we went back downstairs to find snacks sitting out on the table in the kitchen. Husky picked me up and put me in the hi-chair. He didn't strap me in or put the tray on it. He just scooted me closer to the table so I liked like I was in a normal chair. A plate was put in front of me along with a glass of apple juice. The snack was manly vegetables from the garden outside and they tasted really good. No bib, nobody feeding me, and a normal glass. I felt like a normal 15 year old again, aside from the taller chair and the diaper I was wearing that is. I felt very comfortable here like even the house was watching out for me.

Danual never pushed me for information but he did need to know some things. And I did my best to tell all I could. During our walk Husky stayed quiet for the most part. But when I wasn't sure about something, he stepped in and helped. During our privet talk Danual treated me like I mattered, like an equal. Not once did I get the feeling that he was talking down to me, or thought that I didn't know what I was talking about. He treated Husky like a bodyguard until Husky stepped in to answer one of his questions. Then he was treated like an equal as well. As for Bull and Wolf, they were out having fun running the property. Danual told them to look in the garage for a map of the place and to take the quads out for a walk. "Just keep an eye on the battery gage. You don't want to have to push them all the way back." They had packed a lunch and were still gone.

So the three of us puttered around the house and garden until it was time to make dinner. I got to help with that and I learned a lot too. I now know how to make meatloaf along with fresh bread. And for desert we were going to have banana cream pie. The whole day we would ask each other questions. We agreed that we could ask each other anything. But the other person didn't have to answer, we just couldn't lie about anything. Most of his had to do with stuff I liked or didn't like. Hardly any thing about our mission except for how long it was going to take. He was ok with us staying as long as we needed to. But he might have to make a run to the store if he got low on some stuff. So practical reasons only.

I knew I would have to stay for at least a week to deal with Bulls punishment, but at the end of dinner I was told that it was over in the morning. "You're off on good behavior. You did better then anyone else. So in the morning have yourself a shower and if you want, we could go for a ride up the hill. Make a day of it. I have a couple of cabins up there along with a swimming hole and the hot springs too. We could have a camp out. Maybe roast some marshmallows and have s'mores too. Theres plenty on room for all of us to sleep indoors. And I have tents if you want to really go camping. We could leave right after breakfast if you're game. And don't worry, we don't have to walk. We can take the quads, and use the Jeep to hall everything."

Both Wolf and Bull saw the cabins already and they were up for it. Husky thought it would be a good idea too. But I wasn't so sure, I had never been camping before. And I never was aloud on something as dangerous as a Jeep much less a quad. I didn't know how to drive ether. The only time I was aloud to drive was that little bit I did on the moon. And Wolf was right there just incase something happened. But in the end I agreed to go. I couldn't rune everyone's fun because I might be scared of sleeping in the woods.

Later that night as me and Husky were heading in to our room, Bull popped in. "Just thought you would want to know. Me and Wolf are going up to the camp sight tonight. We're going to take the Jeep and all the supplies that we will need. That way when you three get there camp will be all set up." Me and Husky nodded our agreement. I thought that it was thoughtful of them. "Now I know you don't have to any more Max. But I would suggest that tomorrow after you guys shower Put a diaper on. Or at least one of those pull-up things. You might need it."

Both me and Husky were confused. Why would I need one? But before I could ask, Husky asked. "So you think he might need one? Why?"

Then Bull snickered and said. "Not just him. Both of you. If the old man takes you the quick way, you're going to need them. I took Wolf that way today and I almost peed myself. And I've been that way before. Wolf said he didn't, but I don't believe him. I think he did, he just doesn't want to admit it. Anyway, It's perfectly safe to go that way. It's just a little scary if you have a problem with heights. When I took that route with the old man the first time, I did pee myself. And I was really happy that the old man had me wear one that day. He gave me the choice of ether the long way or the short way. And I really wanted to see the swimming hole and the hot springs. So I said the quick way. So this is me passing my knowledge forward. Take the short route, it is really beautiful out there. And I know you're going to love it. Just be prepared to ether have a wet diaper, or wet pants. Trust me, its worth it ether way." And then he left.

"If he's suggesting that I wear a diaper, I'm going to. What about you big brother?" I know I'm used to them But Husky on the other had...

"If Bull, of all people, just said that he almost wet himself, And Wolf might have. Yea, I'm with you on this one. Those two have like no fear. So yea, after our showers I'll put you in one. Then I'll use one if I can find one that fits."

Bull popped his head back in the door again and said. "By the way. If you're going to wear one." He pointed at Husky. "Then check out the dresser in the closet over there. The old mad has a lot of different people stay here. And some of them need night protection. And sometimes he has pregnant people here too. So he should have something in your size." Then he left again.

After that Husky helped get me changed for the night. Then we both went over to the dresser Bull pointed out. As we looked in the dresser I was snickering. I couldn't help it. All the diapers that would fit Husky were pink, and they had little bunnies on them. We ended up looking through all of the dresser to try to find something that wasn't pink. But that's all we found. Both of us thought that Bull had to be playing a trick. So we looked all around the room. That closet was for girls. But the closet on the other side of the room was for boys. We actually found one that had a dog on it that looked like a husky. It was even his size. So he pulled that one out for him. I got one of the same kind for me also. So tomorrow we can be twins, at least as far as our under garments go.

After that Husky got read for bed as I got in bed. When he was done, he got in beside me to keep me company. After he wrapped his arms around me and we both got comfortable, I fell asleep pretty quick.

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