Ch 26

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Snarling he crossed the boundary back into camp, Damian right beside him and both were ready to tear something apart. "Go ready the others," he ordered the son of Thetis, "I'll go to Dionysus and have him prepare. Tomorrow…we go to war.". Nodding Damian took off running towards the Chaos cabin as he made his way over to the big house. "Percy." Chiron said cheerfully when he approached before noticing his demeanor "What happened?"

"Zoe was captured by the Titans," he snarled "tomorrow I go to war with my warriors to get her back.".

"Go up to the Oracle," Dionysus ordered "bring her back home.".

Nodding he climbed the steps as he felt the presence of Artemis and her hunters enter the camp along with the three stooges who were unconscious from the beating he and Damian had delivered upon them. As he climbed the steps he felt the powerful presence of the Oracle waiting for him, its ancient magic coursing through the air as he entered the attic, paying no attention to the various trophies and spoils of war that littered the space. "Tell me how to save my sister." He demanded when he faced the mummy.

In response the corpse opened its mouth as the familiar green smoke poured out and formed into a replica of Rachel Elizabeth Dare who he knew he would be 'meeting' on this quest and who would take up the mantle of Oracle soon after. The smoky version of Rachel opened its mouth and spoke:

"Five shall go west to the heiress in chains,

One shall ascend in the land without rain,

The bane of Olympus knows the trail,

The forces of Chaos alone prevail,

The Titan's curse must one withstand,

And a parent shall perish by the child's hand."

Nodding he said "Thank you Oracle, I will do my best to protect your new chosen vessel.". Which got a nod from the smoke form of Rachel before the green fog retreated back inside its 'host'.

Walking back down to the front porch he saw Chiron arguing with the three stooges who were trying to have him punished for his 'unprovoked attack'. "Don't lie you pathetic little piece of shit," he snarled as he stepped onto the porch "we gave you a more than deserved beating when you caused Zoe to be captured.".

"She was captured because she was weak!" Paris yelled causing him to snarl and grab the bastard by his throat.

"Never," he snarled "insult my family in front of me again you pathetic little cur." Before he roughly threw the son of Poseidon away. Turning to Chiron and Dionysus he told them the prophecy.

"So who are your five going to be?" Chiron asked nervously, the centaur clearly trying to avoid incurring his wrath.

"I am going along with Damian, Nico, Thalia, and Clarisse." He said instantly "They're the best warriors that I have right now. Especially if I am to rescue Zoe from the vault of the sky.".

"Her Titan blood is going to allow her to be forced into holding the vault isn't it?" Dionysus asked with a sigh "That curse Zeus placed upon the vault was foolish.".

"It was a decision made by Zeus," he said coldly "he is a fool and therefore almost every action he does is marked as the decision of a fool.".

Turning he marched towards his cabin, ignoring the jeers of the Hunters of Artemis as he passed, knowing that it was likely that they would soon be without a leader as he had already sensed Artemis leave the camp. Atlas was likely to chain the moon goddess to the rock along with Zoe to prevent them from escaping.

Stepping into his cabin he saw his warriors and allies assembled, all of them with their weapons in hand, "Damian, Clarisse, Nico, Thalia," he ordered as they stepped forward "you four are the ones coming with me for the official 'quest' but when we get to the Mountain I'll have father open one of his portals to summon the rest of you. This is going to be the first true battle in this war and I intend to win.".

"Is anyone else going to be joining us for the battle?" Beckendorf asked seriously.

"Our Roman Brothers and Sisters will be joining in the assault," he explained "and our naval forces are going to try to get there in time to deal with any of Luke's ships of monsters. Now, prepare your supplies and sharpen your swords, we leave at dawn.".


Snarling she glared at the chuckling form of her 'father' as she was forced to bear the burden of the Vault of the Sky. "Well," Atlas said mirthfully "isn't this just a wonderful family reunion.".

"Go to Tartarus," she spat "I will enjoy watching Percy slay you.".

"Ah yes," Atlas said with a smirk but she could see the hint of fear in her father's eyes "the legendary god slayer. I doubt though that he will kill me as he has Olympians.".

"You angered him," she snorted "you're all but asking for him to tear you limb from limb and that's not to mention what Damian will do to you.".

"He wants what Lord Kronos wants," Atlas said with a scowl "and end to the gods of Olympus!".

"He only wishes to destroy the corrupt Olympians," she retorted "not the ones that support him.".

"But he still values your life over theirs," Atlas said with a sneer "I'm sure he'd be willing to join us to see you free. But still, you need not worry, we have 'company' for you.".

"Company?" she asked, a sinking feeling entering her stomach which only worsened when she saw Artemis get dragged forward by a pair of Cyclopes. "Her?" she asked in disgust "Are you trying to piss of Percy even more than you already have?".

"She has enough Titan blood within her to force the curse upon her," Atlas said with a sneer "the gods forget that almost every one of them has the blood of the Titans within them and, as such, can be affected by the Curse with enough effort.".

Growling she watched the Cyclopes drag Artemis forward and chained the moon goddess next to her before the force behind the Vault roughly woke the unconscious goddess as she roared in pain. "At least Percy would have given you a quick death," she complained "why must you torture me like this?".

"Zoe?" Artemis asked in surprise at her voice "Is that you?".

"Be silent." she snarled at the foul excuse for a goddess that had tried to have her brother killed in the last timeline.

"Why are you acting like this?!" Artemis demanded of her, "Why did you betray me?".

"I simply saw you for what you truly are," she growled "a cruel, heartless, wench who relishes the pain and suffering of others and justify it by claiming that your victims are evil simply for being men. My loyalty is to Percy and his parents over you any day.".

"Well," Atlas said with a chuckle "you two clearly have much to talk about. I'm going to go down to Washington, one of my warriors has captured a creature that they believe to be the Ophitarus and I plan to go ensure its safe retrieval.".

Before she could get in a final barb at her father the Titan vanished in a flash of light, leaving her behind, chained to Artemis with two dracaena as guards. Hearing Artemis continue to try and force her to 'see reason and return to the hunt' she sighed, 'please Percy, Damian,' she prayed 'hurry.'.

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