Ch 10

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Smirking Paris lunged and grabbed the master bolt before bringing out four pearls from his pocket and handed one to his mother, Annabeth, and Grover. "Oops, looks like you're stuck down here while I get to return the bolt and get the glory. Sucks to be you Percy. Hey maybe when you get back to camp I'll deign to give you an autograph. Now crush the pearls!" he yelled and the three others reacted in their surprise and did as he said making them all appear in bubbles that flew through the ceiling.

The bubbles passed through the ceiling of the cavernous underworld like it was an illusion and spat them out in the ocean near the shore where they quickly swam to. Once they were on the sand he turned and saw Ares straddling his bike, "well look who it is," the god of war sneered "you weren't supposed to survive.".

Drawing riptide he growled at Ares, "Well I did." he snarled, mentally wincing at how bad of a comeback it was, before charging the god of war. Ares simply stepped to one side and tripped him, sending him sprawling in the sand before grabbing the Master Bolt from his hand as he fell. Before Ares could strike him though he heard a whistle and, turning, he saw Percy smirking at them, "How the Hades did you get here?!" he demanded as he slowly backed away from the god of war.

Percy rolled his eyes and replied "I shadow travelled dumb ass." before turning to Ares and drawing a simple black and silver ballpoint pen and glaring at the god of war. "And now Ares I challenge you to a fight to the death, and I'll even swear on the Styx to not use the same weapons I used in our last duel but my sword instead.", thunder rumbled to seal his oath.

Smirking thinking he had the match in the bag with the Master Bolt in sword form Ares snarled "Very well whelp. Prepared to die?".

In response Percy clicked the pen into a sword that was both beautiful and terrifying with its designs of screaming faces. "This Ares is my strongest weapon," Percy said in a soft yet dangerous voice "the Blade of Olympus. It was designed to kill deities and drain them of their powers. Do you think you can stand up to it?".

Before the god of war had a chance to respond Percy rushed forward and made a strike which was barely blocked with the Master Bolt. As Percy continued his onslaught he heard his mom ask in the background "Who is that?".

"That's Percy, your foster son." he heard Annabeth say making him scowl at the fact that he was still remembered as Percy's foster brother.

"Percy." he heard his mom breath in awe before Percy rushed forward and drove the blade through Ares chest causing the war god to fall to his knees.

"Not…not bad punk." Ares coughed out almost grudgingly "You beat me.".

Glaring down at the god of war Percy replied "Yes I did Ares and now prepare to meet my father. Enjoy oblivion." before twisting the blade and ending Ares existence while the sword absorbed his divine Energy leaving Ares' sword, the Master Bolt, and the Helm of Darkness. Picking up the Helm Percy tossed it to Alecto who was hovering nearby and said "Take that to Uncle H Alecto.".

"Of course Percy," the Fury said nodding before she and her sister flew off. Picking up the Master Bolt Percy slipped it into his pack and then took the sword and, caused it to vanish with a snap of his fingers. Walking over to Ares motorcycle Percy straddled it and looked towards the four of them.

"Well Paris it looks like I don't have enough room to fit you on here so I guess you'll have to find your own way back to camp. But don't worry, I might consider giving you my autograph later." Percy sneered at them, throwing his own words from before back in his face before revving the bike and flying off.

After that he had to contact his father and ask him to send them all back to camp Half-Blood, he had to promise that he and his friends would offer half of every meal they had for the next year in tribute to the Sea god to get him to agree before they were flashed to camp, or the apartment in his mother's case.

They arrived in the dining pavilion during dinner and everyone shot to their feet, bar Percy's groupies, and rushed towards them. "What happened?" Chiron asked once he was close enough.

Seeing a chance to make himself look good and Percy the fool he opened his mouth to reply when he heard a revving engine and a "I'm back!" from above.

Looking up he saw the last person he wanted to see, Percy, flying in on Ares motorcycle.


Looking at the Camp dining pavilion he saw Paris and the others arrive via flashing, probably from Poseidon, and everyone, bar his warriors, shot to their feet and surrounded the group. When it seemed that Paris was about to open his mouth and make something up he revved the engine and yelled out "I'm Back!" getting everyone's attention.

"Hey bro!" Damian called out giving him a mocking salute.

"Is that…?" Clarisse tried asking when he landed, pointing to the bike.

"This Clarisse is your new motorcycle," he said smiling as he got off "it is one of my two gifts to you.'.

"Gifts?" Clarisse asked confused while Damian, Bianca, Zoe, and Nico were smiling having guessed what was about to happen.

"Yes gifts," he said as he pulled out the pen that turned into the Blade of Olympus and an empty goblet "the second is this.".

"Is what?" Clarisse asked confused.

Smirking he clicked a second button on the pen so, instead of turning into a sword, it caused a glowing red liquid pour from the pen tip into the goblet, "This Clarisse," he said smiling "is the divine energy of Ares. Once you drink this you will absorb your father's powers and, once you either turn eighteen or are about to die, you will become the new goddess of war. Until then you will simply have a drastic increase in your powers. The motorcycle is your new war chariot.".

Handing the shocked Clarisse the goblet he smiled as the rest of his warriors, and several of her siblings, cheered loudly for her. Grabbing a normal goblet of soda he raised it up in the air, "A toast!" he called out "To Clarisse, the next goddess of War!".

"TO CLARISSE!" the rest of his warriors and a few of her siblings called out as Clarisse reflexively drank the potion in the goblet before doubling over for a moment. When she straightened she seemed to have a faint aura of power.

"Congratulations Clarisse." he said clapping his hand to her shoulder before turning to her boyfriend Chris Rodruigez who looked both happy and sad, probably thinking that she wouldn't be able to be with him as a goddess. "Don't worry Chris," he said turning to the son of Hermes "you will be made immortal along with Clarisse even if you don't become a god.".

Sighing in relief Chris nodded thankfully to him before embracing his super powered girlfriend. Looking at his warriors he called out, "Alright everyone!" they all turned towards him "We're heading out tomorrow to the base so pack your bags tonight!".

"Yes your majesty!" Nico yelled making his eye twitch.

"Long live the king!" Bianca added.

"Damian!" he yelled before chasing the son of Thetis around the camp.

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