'So she doesn't like you back? Yeesh'

'Also don't threaten me with who I used to like in my first year of high school, since you still like her'

Tadashi blushed and laughed awkwardly.

'Does it bother you that I like your old crush'

'No, I doesn't really bother me since I don't even think I actually liked her like that'

'Oh.. But back on you, are you ever gonna tell her?'

He shrugged once again and they both heard laughter.

'Hey! Why aren't you guys in the pool? Don't tell me you ate all the snacks already'

Tadashi laughed and got up.

'Nope! We were just waiting till you guys got back with sunscreen so we don't get burnt'

'Oh! That's what I forgot'

'Don't worry! I got some!'

'Oh thanks Haru!'

'For real I totally forgot about the sun'

They all ended up putting on sunscreen. You sat down in a chair next to Tsukishima.

'I don't think anyone's gonna find out about us, so no need to worry'

Tsukishima had a plain expression and nodded.

'jeez show some emotion will ya? You're a robot'

He smiled and batted his eyes. You laughed and put a sarcastic smile. Yachi had called you and Haru threw a volleyball at your head. You ended up grabbing it and throwing it back at her and jumping in. She laughed as she saw you instantly regret jumping in. Your t-shirt and shorts were soaked along with your bathing suit underneath.

'HA! Karma!'

'Go fuck your boyfriend!'

She smiled and her tongue out and threw the ball once again. You threw it back and sat with your legs in the water. Tsukishima sat behind you, in the shade. He stared at you a few times but eventually laid back on the pool chair. His arms covering his face from the sun.

'I hate this...'

'Hate what?'

He hadn't realized he said that out loud and played it off. You waited for his response.

'I hate the sun, I get burnt easily, I mean do you see  how pale I am?'

You laughed at his comment and he smiled. Luckily for him, you couldn't see his face. Unfortunately for you, you couldn't see his smile.

'Yeah it takes effort to be as pale as a vampire'

'Yeah very hard work'

'Tsukki get in the pool!'


'Why not?'

'No, do you not understand a two letter word?'

'Y/n, can you convince your boyfriend to get in?'

Haru said with a annoyed tone. You sighed and jumped into the pool, letting out a little scream as you adjusted to the temperature. Yachi laughed and so did Kiyoko. Haru splashed you with water.

'Come on Tsukki, get in the water!'

He looked at you with the most deadpan face he could make. You, Yamaguchi and Yachi all smiled at him. Kiyoko and Haru laughed. He gave up in defeat and walked to the stairs of the pool and got in.


'Yes, but did you put sunscreen on?'

'It takes work to be this pale'

He smiled while quoting your words. You laughed and splashed him. He splashed you and everyone ended up splashing each other.


'Hey where's your shower? Or showers? How many do you even have in a house like this?'

'We have four? I don't know'

'We have five in total, we can show you to them if you like'

'Yes! Please My hair is starting to feel weird'

The three of them showed everyone to the bathrooms. You went to the one closest to your room and took a shower. They others took showers as well. If any of the girls needed clothes they were to take some from you or the maids, same with the boys, from your father or butler. Once you got out the bathroom you went to your room and laid down on the bed.

'I forgot how comfortable this shit is..'

'Oi are you gonna stay in your room or are you gonna be a good host?'

'Oh fuck off let me lay down for a few minutes, how about you lay down too?'

'Why should I?'

'Maybe a sweet soft bed is just the the thing your salty stiff ass needs'

You looked at him and he just raised his eyebrows and had a doubtful look on his face. You sighed, knowing he wasn't convinced. You got up and grabbed him and dragged him to the bed. He sat down and laid on one side and you laid on the other side.

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